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Gregory Meeks' Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 5

Date Title
06/14/2021 Levin, Chu Reintroduce Legislation Giving Same-Sex Couples Fair Treatment Under Tax Law
04/21/2021 Kaptur, Fitzpatrick Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Vladimir Putin's Brutal Treatment of Russian Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny
03/19/2021 Congressman Meeks Introduces Bill to Advance Equity through the Legislative Process
03/16/2021 Clarke Introduces Resolution to Address the Federal Government's Role in Redlining
06/19/2020 Rep. Meeks Introduces Bill Requiring Wall Street Disclosures of Bonds Relating to Police Brutality
01/31/2020 Chairman Deutch Introduces Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Iranian Persecution of Baha'is
07/12/2019 Meeks' Corporate Diversity Bill Passes HFS Committee
10/23/2018 NYC Reps and CMs Call for CFPB Anti-Discrimination Official's Dismissal
03/02/2017 Meeks, King, Booker, and McCain Reintroduce Resolution Calling for Posthumous Pardon for Boxing Great Jack Johnson
02/15/2017 Schumer, Gillibrand, Nadler, Meeks, Clarke, Jeffries & Espaillat Introduce Bi- Cemeral Legislation To Establish African Burial Ground Museum In New York City
09/07/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 143 House Members File New Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
07/10/2012 Pelosi, Nadler, 130 House Members File Amicus Brief on Federal Case Against DOMA
11/02/2011 Pelosi, 132 House Members File Amicus Brief in Landmark Court Challenge to DOMA
11/29/2010 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Convenes Subcommittee Hearing on Investments Tied to Genocide: Sudan Divestment and Beyond
03/31/2009 Congressman Gregory Meeks on the Passage of the Federal Media Shield Law