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Gregory Meeks' Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 5

Date Title
08/03/2021 Suozzi, Jeffries, Meeks Statement on Governor Andrew Cuomo
04/24/2020 Long Island Delegation Joins Together to Urge Support for Local Small Businesses, More Direct Funding for State and Local Governments in NY
11/19/2019 Meeks' Corporate Diversity Bill Passes House
05/03/2019 Schakowsky Leads Letter to SSA Demanding the Abandonment of Anti-Union Policies
02/06/2019 Menendez, Booker, Harris Fight for Transparency with Legislation to Promote Corporate Diversity
05/22/2018 Rep. Gregory W. Meeks Releases Statement on his Opposition to Banking Bill
05/10/2018 Rep. Meeks Includes Economic Equity Bills in CBC Jobs and Justice Act
09/19/2017 Rep. Meeks Statement on City Council Bill 1447
09/12/2017 Rep. Gregory W. Meeks Introduces Bill to Support Minority Owned Banks and Increase Access to Affordable Financial Services
08/30/2017 Rep. Meeks Announces Opposition to NYC Council Bill Intro 1447
05/31/2016 Rep. Meeks Commends Verizon, CWA, and IBEW for Reaching Agreement
10/27/2015 U.S. Rep Gregory W. Meeks Applauds Passage of Export-Import Bank Reauthorization
07/09/2014 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks' Statement On MTA-LIRR Labor Dispute Impact
01/29/2014 U.S. Rep. Meeks Statement on Fifth Anniversary of Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
01/28/2014 U.S. Rep. Gregory W. Meeks Statement on President Obama's State of the Union Address
10/22/2013 U.S. Rep. Gregory W. Meeks Statement on the September Jobs Report
03/08/2012 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Votes in Favor of the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act
01/21/2012 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks' Statement on Bill to Implement Mitt Romney's Idea to Benefit Women and Minorities
12/02/2011 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Calls on Republicans to Support Payroll Tax Cut for American Families
12/01/2011 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Statement on the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act
09/09/2011 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Statement on President Barack Obama's Speech on the American Jobs Act...
06/28/2011 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Statement on NLRB Proposed New Rules