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Gregory Meeks' Public Statements on Issue: Housing and Property


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 5

Date Title
09/16/2021 Meeks Reveals Draft Legislation to Help Homeowners Finance Safety Improvements to Basement Apartments; Requests Comments from Public
08/30/2021 Reps. Connolly, Lee, Pressley, Bush, Gomez, Ocasio-Cortez and Colleagues Call on Congress to Act on Eviction Moratorium
06/18/2021 Meeks Applauds FHA's Move to Make its Mortgage Insurance Program More Accessible to Student Loan Borrowers
06/14/2021 Meeks and Williams Introduce Bill to Remove Barriers to Homeownership for Student Loan Borrowers
02/25/2021 Meeks, Green and Beatty Reintroduce the American Dream Down Payment Act
07/10/2018 Democrats: Invest $70 billion to Upgrade NYCHA and Public Housing Across America
03/07/2018 Clarke, Meeks, Serrano Introduce Hardest Hit Housing Act of 2018
03/12/2015 Governor Cuomo Announces $4.9 Million to Repair Historic Properties Damaged by Superstorm Sandy
04/25/2014 Rep. Gregory W. Meeks Leads a New York Congressional Delegation Letter to HUD on Sandy Funding
04/26/2013 Governor Cuomo and HUD Announce Approval of New York State's Disaster Recovery Action Plan
11/10/2011 Rep. Ed Towns Leads the New York Congressional Delegation Along with Local and State Elected Officials Public Housing Resident Leaders and Residents at a City Hall Rally to Fight Proposed Cuts to Public Housing
10/04/2010 A Weekly Economic Update from Gregory Meeks
09/13/2010 A Weekly Economic Update from Gregory Meeks
06/09/2010 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Votes in Favor of FHA Reform Bill
02/24/2010 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Questions Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke On Housing Market And Economy
10/22/2009 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Votes In Favor Of New Consumer Financial Protection Agency
10/17/2008 Congressman Gregory Meeks Supports Help with Heating Bills this Winter
09/25/2008 Congressman Gregory Meeks lauds Bipartisan Counterproposal
07/23/2008 Congress to Vote on Housing Bill - Bush Says He Will Sign Bill into Law
04/10/2008 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Lauds Financial Services Committee Hearing on Economic, Mortgage and Housing Rescue Bill
01/17/2008 HOPE VI Improvement and Reauthorization Act Passes in the House of Representatives
08/16/2007 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Announces New Private/Public Partnership Aimed To Reduce Foreclosures In Southeast Queens