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Gregory Meeks' Public Statements on Issue: Trade


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 5

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Date Title
01/25/2022 House Committee Chairs Statement on Unveiling of the America COMPETES Act of 2022
05/21/2019 New Democrat Coalition Statement on Trump's Tariff Announcement
03/14/2019 New Democrat Coalition Releases Trade Task Force Goals for the 116th Congress
10/01/2018 New Democrat Coalition Trade Leaders' Statement on NAFTA Agreement
07/25/2017 Rep. Meeks Statement on Passage of Russia-Iran-North Korea Sanctions Bill
10/27/2015 U.S. Rep Gregory W. Meeks Applauds Passage of Export-Import Bank Reauthorization
10/05/2015 U.S. Rep Gregory W. Meeks Statement on Final Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement
06/18/2015 U.S. Rep Gregory W. Meeks Statement Regarding Vote to Grant President Obama Trade Promotion Authority
04/16/2015 New Democrat Coalition Members' Statement on Introduction of Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015
03/20/2015 U.S. Rep Gregory W. Meeks Statement on Trade Town Hall in Queens
02/26/2015 U.S. Rep Gregory W. Meeks Statement on U.S. and East African Community's Cooperation Agreement to Expand Trade Africa Initiative
01/28/2014 U.S. Rep. Gregory W. Meeks Statement on President Obama's State of the Union Address
10/29/2013 Boustany Applauds Launch of Newly Formed TPP Caucus
06/18/2013 Hail Negotiations as "Significant Step" to Removing Long-Standing Barriers to Exports
11/16/2012 U.S. Representatives Gregory W. Meeks and Michael G. Grimm Applaud House Passage of Russia Trade and Human Rights Bill
08/02/2012 Democrats Applaud Passage of Legislation to Extend Critical AGOA Provisions, Correct CAFTA Textile Provisions, and Renew Burma Sanctions
07/19/2012 Levin to Grant Russia Permanent Normal Trade Relations
07/18/2012 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Statement on the U.S. Senate Finance Committee Voting Unanimously on Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with Russia
03/27/2012 Hearing of the Europe and Eurasia Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee - Creating Jobs: Economic Opportunities in Europe and Eurasia
11/16/2011 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Statement on the Announcement for The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
11/16/2011 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Statement on Russia's Progress toward WTO Membership
10/27/2011 Hearing of the Europe and Eurasia Subcommittee of the House of the Foreign Affairs Committee - "The Eurozone Crisis: Destabilizing the Global Economy"
10/13/2011 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Statement on the Passage of the Colombia, Panama and South Korea Free-Trade Agreements (FTA) and Renewal of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Act (TAA)
10/04/2011 Congressman Gregory W. Meeks Statement on Free Trade Agreements and Trade Adjustment Assistance
06/17/2011 Colombian Caucus Co-Chairs Urges Immediate Action on Colombia Free Trade Agreement

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