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Paul Tonko's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 20

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Date Title
02/02/2020 Tonko, Schumer, Gillibrand Cheer State Limousine Bill Signing
01/29/2020 Tonko, House Democrats Unveil $760 Billion Infrastructure Plan
01/17/2020 Letter to Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman of Fed. Communications Commission - Delgado Leads 22 Members in Bipartisan Effort to Make New York Eligible for $16 Billion in Broadband Grants
01/09/2020 Tonko Electric Vehicle Charging Bill Advances in House
10/31/2019 Limousine Safety Standards
10/16/2019 Schumer, Tonko, Gillibrand, Delgado, Stefanik introduce bipartisan plan to set federal limousine-safety regulations & close safety loopholes to get dangerous vehicles off the road; call for immediate review & passage to honor the twenty lives lost in Schoharie
10/06/2019 One-year to-the-day of tragic upstate limo crash & standing with Long Island families who endured own local tragedy, Schumer pushes finalized plan to set Fed limousine-safety regs & close safety loopholes that allow unsafe limos on the streets, where they do not belong in the first place
10/03/2019 Standing with families of tragic Capital Region limo crash, Schumer, Tonko, Delgado unveil congressional plan to set federal limousine-safety regulations & close safety loopholes that allow unsafe limos on the streets, where they do not belong in the first place
08/15/2019 With federal funding for Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor at risk, Gillibrand, Schumer, Tonko, Higgins, Morelle, Delgado push to extend canalway's funding cap in must-pass national defense bill
08/09/2019 Letter to the Hon. James Inhofe, Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Hon. Jack Reed, Ranking Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Hon. Adam Smith, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and the Hon. Mac Thornberry, Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee - With federal funding for Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor at risk, Gillibrand, Schumer, Tonko, Higgins, Morelle, Delgado push to extend canalway's funding cap in must-pass national defense bill
07/12/2019 Tonko Votes to Permanently Extend 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund
06/19/2019 Letter to Richard Anderson, President and CEO of Amtrak - Chairs DeFazio, Lipinski and 51 House Members Press Amtrak CEO For Answers About Reported Decision to Reduce the Number of Amtrak Police
05/18/2018 A Better Deal: Infrastructure
04/30/2018 Letter to the Hon Scott Pruitt, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Reps. Matsui, Tonko Request Documents after Reports Indicating Pruitt May Have Misled Lawmakers in Testimony on California's Waiver to Set Vehicle Emissions Standards
02/14/2018 Letter to Arthur Elkins, Inspector General of the Environmental Protection Agency - Expect EPA's IG Review to Include Pruitt's "Blanket Waiver" for First-Class Domestic Travel
01/01/2018 Issue Position: Investing in Crumbling Infrastructure
11/09/2017 Letter to the Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Tonko Sends Letter to FCC Calling Out Faulty U.S. Broadband Maps
06/16/2017 Letter to the Honorable Scott Pruitt, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator - Clean Air Act Pollution Safeguards
03/16/2017 Hearing of the Environment Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Tonko, Hearing on the Reinvestment and Rehabilitation of Our Nation's Safe Driving Water Delivery Systems
03/15/2017 Reps. Schakowsky, Tonko Critical of Trump Administration Plan to Weaken Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Standards
02/16/2017 House Democrats Introduce Comprehensive Update to Safe Drinking Water Act
01/30/2017 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump, President - Broadband Connectivity In Infrastructure Proposal
12/20/2016 Letter to Donald Trump, President-Elect - Protect American Jobs and Security, Reject NAI
10/18/2016 Pallone, Tonko Release GAO Report on State of Water Infrastructure in Areas of Declining Population
10/18/2016 E&C Democrats Release GAO Report on State of Water Infrastructure in Areas of Declining Population

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