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Scott Garrett's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking

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Date Title
05/13/2015 Subcommittee Continues Focus on Solutions to Help Small Businesses Grow
04/29/2015 Subcommittee Focuses on Solutions to Help Small Businesses Grow
04/23/2015 Reps. Garrett, Maloney Introduce the Restoring Main Street Investor Protection and Confidence Act of 2015
04/23/2015 Reps. Garrett, Maloney Introduce the Restoring Main Street Investor Protection and Confidence Act of 2015
04/09/2015 The Daily Signal - Republicans Demand Government Agencies 'Publicly Disclaim' Their Involvement in Operation Choke Point
04/08/2015 Letter to Thomas Curry, Comptroller of the Currency, Richard Cordray, Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, Janet Yellen, Chair of the Federal Reserve, and Debbie Matz, Chair of the National Credit Union Administration - Disavow Operation Choke Point
03/30/2015 Garrett Statement on SIFI Designation Struck Down by Courts
03/20/2015 Blog: FSC Majority | Week in Review 3/20/15
01/09/2015 Garrett Starts 114th Congress by Introducing Nine Bills
12/12/2014 Financial Victimization
10/14/2014 Garrett: FINRA CARDS Proposal Short of a Full Deck
09/04/2014 Garrett Statement on the Obama Administration's Decision to Spread Too-Big-To-Fail
09/02/2014 Letter to Jack Lew, Secretary of the Treasury - Major Concern for the SIFI Designation Process
08/18/2014 Letter to Janet Yellen, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System - Strengthen Restrictions on Emergency Lending Authority
07/31/2014 Garrett Statement on Today's Financial Stability Oversight Council Meeting
07/30/2014 Committee Approves Legislation to Bring Accountability, Transparency to the Federal Reserve
07/21/2014 Garrett Statement on Fourth Anniversary of Dodd-Frank
07/16/2014 House Passes Garrett Amendment to Financial Services Appropriations Bill
07/16/2014 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, 2015
06/24/2014 House Passes Garrett Amendment to H.R. 4413, the Customer Protection and End-User Relief Act
06/23/2014 Customer Protection and End User Relief Act
06/20/2014 Garrett's FSOC Legislation Passes Financial Services Committee
06/05/2014 Rep. Garrett's Statement on Chair White's Speech Entitled "Enhancing Our Equity Market Structure"
05/29/2014 Restoring Proven Financing for American Employers Act
05/07/2014 Garret Reacts to FSOC "Transparency" Measures

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