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Kevin Cramer's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (ND) - Jr

Date Title
06/30/2022 Sen. Cramer Statement on West Virginia v. EPA Supreme Court Ruling
06/29/2022 ICYMI: Sen. Cramer Pens Essay in Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy Honoring Former ND Attorney General Stenjehem on Restoring States' Rights & Adhering to Cooperative Federalism in Environmental Policy
06/29/2022 Sen. Cramer Co-Sponsors Legislation to Allow COVID Money to be Used to Harden Schools
06/28/2022 Sen. Cramer Welcomes Space Development Agency to Grand Forks, Participates in Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Space Networking Operations Center
06/28/2022 Sen. Cramer Highlights North Dakota's Energy Leadership at the Energy & Environmental Research Center's Energizing North Dakota Event
06/28/2022 Senator Cramer, Colleagues Introduce Resolution to Celebrate Pro-Life Movement, Volunteers
06/24/2022 Sen. Cramer Statement on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization SCOTUS Decision
06/24/2022 Sen. Cramer: Rail Companies Issue Status Reports on Grain Car Backlog
06/23/2022 Hagerty, Zeldin Lead Bicameral Joint Statement Calling on Biden Administration to Reverse its Plan to Circumvent U.S. Law and Create an Unofficial U.S. Consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem
06/23/2022 Sen. Cramer Statement of Opposition to Senate Gun Control Legislation
06/23/2022 Sens. Cramer, Menendez Reintroduce Bipartisan Bill to Preserve Freedom of Choice in Payment for Goods and Services
06/23/2022 Sen. Cramer, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Block Biden From Declaring Federal Emergencies on Abortion
06/22/2022 Sen. Cramer Statement on Yard Work Accident, Injury
06/22/2022 Sen. Cramer: "Suspending the Gas Tax Is Nothing More Than A Knee-Jerk Political Stunt'