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Tim Ryan's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

Date Title
10/22/2021 Representatives Tim Ryan and Mark Takano Reintroduce the Congressional Maker Caucus
09/13/2021 Representatives Tim Ryan (D-OH) and Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) Statement on September 18 Rally Preparations
07/27/2021 Chairman Ryan Statement to Rules Committee on Legislative Branch Bill
07/09/2021 Ryan, DeLauro Statement on Capitol Police Funding
03/08/2021 Congressman Tim Ryan Response on the Honoré Capitol Security Report and Member Security Briefing
03/03/2021 Congressman Tim Ryan Statement on New Capitol Security Threats
01/13/2021 Congressman Tim Ryan Statement on Voting to Impeach President Donald Trump
01/07/2021 Reps. Ryan, DeLauro Announce Appropriations Committee Review of Law Enforcement Response to Coup Attempt
01/05/2021 Congressman Tim Ryan Statement on Electoral College Certification Process in Joint Senate and House Session
01/03/2021 Congressman Tim Ryan Statement After Being Sworn In To The 117th Congress
07/06/2020 Appropriations Committee Releases Fiscal Year 2021 Legislative Branch Funding Bill
02/04/2020 Congressman Tim Ryan Statement in Response to the State of the Union Address
12/19/2019 Congressman Tim Ryan Votes to Impeach President Donald Trump
12/10/2019 Congressman Tim Ryan Statement on House Unveiling Two Articles of Impeachment
05/09/2019 Appropriations Committee Approves Fiscal Year 2020 Legislative Branch Funding Bill
04/30/2019 House Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Tim Ryan Releases Fiscal Year 2020 Legislative Branch Funding Bill
01/12/2017 Congressman Tim Ryan Condemns President-elect Trump's Refusal to Divest Businesses
11/30/2016 Tim Ryan Statement on Re-Election of Nancy Pelosi as House Democratic Leader
11/21/2016 Congressman Tim Ryan Announces DCCC Reforms
11/19/2016 Congressman Tim Ryan Outlines Proposed Reforms to the House Democratic Caucus
06/22/2016 Congressman Tim Ryan Joins House Sit-In on Gun Reform
01/06/2015 Congressman Tim Ryan Statement on 114th Congress Swearing In
09/05/2007 Rep.Tim Ryan Statement on the Death of Rep. Paul Gillmor