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David Vitter's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

Date Title
09/23/2015 Vitter Welcomes Pope Francis to United States
07/21/2015 Vitter Introduces Legislation to End Washington's Obamacare Exemption
03/02/2015 Vitter Investigation Into Washington's Obamacare Exemption Could See Added Pressure
02/19/2015 Vitter: Washington's Obamacare Exemption Documents Required to Release Hold on OPM Nominee
12/10/2014 Vitter: Republican Senators Vote to Treat Congress Equally Under Obamacare
07/09/2014 Vitter: Reid, Democrats to Block Out Red Snapper Amendments to Sportsmen's Bill
08/06/2013 Enzi, Barrasso Defend Legislative Prayer
08/02/2011 Vitter Introduces Bill to Bring Transparency to Super Committee Members' Campaign Cash
06/29/2011 Vitter: Senate Should Start Debating Spending Cuts and Debt Reduction, Not Take Vacation
04/14/2011 Republican Senators Introduce "Term Limits for All' Constitutional Amendment
01/28/2011 Vitter: End Automatic Pay Raises for Congress
04/29/2010 Vitter Applauds Final Passage of Congressional Pay Freeze
05/20/2009 Press Conference With Senate Republicans - Senate Vote On Funds For Guantanamo Closure
03/17/2009 Vitter Applauds Senate Passage of His Anti-Pay Raise Provision
03/12/2009 Vitter Calls on Reid to Move Forward with Anti-Pay Raise Legislation
03/06/2009 Vitter Forces Legislative Pay Raise Vote in Congress
02/13/2008 Vitter Reaffirms Hold of ATF Nominee Michael Sullivan
02/07/2008 Vitter Applauds President's Call for Senate to Address Pending Nominations
05/17/2007 Vitter Reaches Agreement on Van Antwerp Nomination