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David Vitter's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children

Date Title
07/26/2016 Vitter: Inviting More Unvetted Refugees & Illegal Immigrants Does Not Solve UAC Problem
07/16/2015 Vitter, Casey, Inhofe, Peters Introduce Criminal Justice Reform Legislation that Seeks to Blunt School to Prison Pipeline
05/01/2015 Vitter Commemorates 5th Annual Louisiana Lemonade Day
03/13/2015 Vitter Recognizes Trusted Family-Owned Child Care Center
03/10/2015 Udall, Vitter Introduce Landmark Legislation to Protect Our Families from Toxic Chemicals
11/18/2014 Vitter's Child Care for Children with Disabilities Legislation Passes Senate
09/30/2014 Vitter: Costs, Number of Illegals in Louisiana Schools Higher than Reported
09/25/2014 Vitter Welcomes News of Attorney General Eric Holder's Resignation
09/10/2014 Vitter: Are 1,275 Illegal Immigrant Children Starting School in Louisiana?
08/14/2014 Vitter Calls on Reid to Come Back in Session, Vote on Border Crisis Bills
07/31/2014 Release: Obama Administration Is Hiding Numbers of Illegals in Louisiana
07/18/2014 Vitter Bill Would Stop Flow of Illegal Border Crossings
06/30/2014 Vitter to Obama: Any Action on Immigration Must Be Directed Toward Enforcement
03/13/2014 Vitter Gets Low Income Children with Disabilities Prioritized in Child Care Bill
03/12/2014 Vitter: Child Care Legislation Should Prioritize Low Income Children with Disabilities
01/18/2013 Vitter, Colleagues Urge Reversal of Russian Adoption Ban
11/17/2009 Vitter Recognized for Efforts to Combat Drunk Driving
04/12/2008 Vitter Offers Amendment to Fund Adam Walsh Act