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Brendan Boyle's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (PA) - District 2

Date Title
09/14/2023 Boyle Statement on New CBO Report Warning of Increasing Flood Risk Across the Nation
02/10/2022 The Hon. Michael S. Regan, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - 92 Representatives Urge EPA To Adopt Strengthened Methane Rules
07/21/2021 Boyle Legislation To Set National Pfas Standard Passes The House Of Representatives
05/17/2021 Boyle Introduces the Protect Drinking Water From PFAS Act
02/05/2021 Chairman Thompson, Ways and Means Democrats Introduce GREEN Act
09/10/2020 Boyle Co-Leads Bicameral Effort for Bold Economic Renewal
06/30/2020 Boyle Legislation Included in House Climate Crisis Action Plan
02/06/2020 Congressman Lowenthal Introduces Bill To Protect Federal Lands In Utah As Wilderness
06/19/2019 House Passes Boyle Amendment to Counteract Trump Administration Climate Change Denial
04/23/2019 Congressman Boyle Leads Effort to Fund Protection of Delaware River Basin
06/20/2018 Statement by Congressman Boyle on Release of Toxic Chemical Pollution Study
03/28/2018 Boyle Secures Millions in New Funding to Fight Defense-Linked Drinking Water Contamination
03/20/2018 Boyle Leads Renewed Congressional Effort to Fight Drinking Water Contamination Through Defense Funding and EPA Action
09/08/2017 House Passes Boyle Amendment to Fully Fund Federal Health Agency Overseeing Local, National Water Contamination
07/27/2017 Congressman Boyle Advances $60 Million Amendment for DOD Cleanup, Clean Water
07/12/2017 Boyle Fights for Water Safety, Climate Safety in Defense Bill
06/29/2017 Boyle Re-introduces Legislation to Require Enforceable Nationwide Standard for Perfluorinated Compounds in Drinking Water
07/07/2016 Lawmakers to Introduce Bill Authorizing DOD Funding for PFOA/PFOS Health Screenings
06/15/2016 Lawmakers Hail Commitment on Health Screenings
06/06/2016 Congressman Brendan Boyle Calls For Congressional Investigation Into Groundwater Contamination
04/01/2016 Menendez, Booker Join Colleagues, Former Members of Congress in Filing Amicus Brief in Support of President Obama's Clean Power Plan
06/02/2015 Blumenauer Organizes Effort on House Floor to Underscore Importance of Funding Climate Research
04/22/2015 Congressman Brendan Boyle Marks the 45th Anniversary of Earth Day