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Stephen Lynch's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 8

Date Title
07/13/2022 At Subcommittee Hearing, Members Examine How to Better Protect Military Community From Financial Scams and Fraud
12/29/2020 Emmer and Lynch Introduce Bill to Study Use of Distributed Ledger Technology in Post-Trade Clearing and Settlement
01/31/2020 House Passes Rep. Lynch Bill In Comprehensive CREDIT Act To Protect Consumer Credit Scores
09/08/2017 Congressman Lynch Moves to Strengthen the Department of Treasury's Office of Technical Assistance
06/13/2017 ICYMI: Democrats Stand United Against the Wrong Choice Act
07/11/2016 House Passes Lynch Bill to Increase Financial Transparency and Prevent Terrorism Financing
07/11/2016 House Passes Five Financial Services Bills
06/29/2016 Terrorist Financing Task Force Introduces Counterterrorism Strategy
05/22/2015 Lynch Calls for Increased Oversight Following Flash Crash Allegations
03/03/2015 Lynch Introduces Legislation to Examine the Risks of the Maker-Taker Pricing Model
03/02/2015 Lynch Introduces Bill to Ban Insider Trading
02/09/2015 Lynch Calls for Banks to be Held Accountable for Wrong-Doing
01/13/2015 Lynch, Waters Encouraged by Results of Securities and Exchange Commission Investigation of Direct Edge
12/18/2014 Lynch Hosts Briefing on High-Frequency Trading with Haim Bodek
07/10/2013 Congressman Lynch Leads Effort to Protect Taxpayers From Bailouts of Wall Street Overseas Affiliates
01/23/2013 Congressman Lynch Introduces Legislation to Improve FHA Transparency
09/06/2011 MA To Receive $12.4 Mil For Econ Development, Housing &Foreclosure Prevention Services
06/29/2011 In the Wake of Global Debt Crises, House Democrats Call for Implementation of Reforms in the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
05/20/2010 Moore, Lynch Applaud McCaskill, Grassley for Increasing Financial Oversight; Moore-Lynch Inspector General Council Added to Senate Wall St. Reform Bill
03/30/2007 US Rep. Stephen Lynch Aims to Boost Financial Literacy for Seniors