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Joaquin Castro's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (TX) - District 20

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Date Title
08/26/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Representatives Lee and Ocasio-Cortez Lead Call for an Increase in United States Refugee Admissions Programs Cap as Afghanistan Crisis Continues
08/23/2021 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States - Rep. Wild Leads Bipartisan Letter to President Urging Commitment to Completing Evacuation Process in Afghanistan
05/19/2021 Letter to the Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States - 138 House Democrats Call for Ceasefire and Bold Leadership from the Biden Administration
04/13/2021 Letter to Honorable Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Padilla, Castro, Warren, Lieu: Citizenship for Essential Workers is Infrastructure
03/30/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Amid Growing Housing Crisis: Merkley, Torres, Warren, Gillibrand, Colleagues Push Biden Administration to Include Transformative Investment in Affordable Housing in Build Back Better Infrastructure Package
12/23/2020 Letter to the Hon. Joseph R. Biden, President-Elect of the United States - Reps. Schakowsky, Price, Lee, Meeks, Castro, Spanberger, and Sherman Spearhead Letter to President-elect Biden with 150 Total Signers Urging Diplomatic Steps to Return Both Iran and U.S. to JCPOA
11/20/2020 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Underwood Leads 91 Members in Effort Urging President Trump to Extend Critical Relief for 41 Million Student Loan Borrowers
10/05/2020 Letter to the Hon. Brian Bulatao, Undersecretary of Secretary of Management for the Dept. of State, and the Hon. Marik String, Acting Legal Advisor to the Dept. of State - Engel & Castro Demand Records on Pompeo's Recent Political Speeches
09/15/2020 Letter to the Hon. Joseph Cuffari, Inspector General of the Dept. of Homeland Security - 173 Members of Congress Urge DHS Inspector General to Open Investigation Into Whistleblower Allegations Regarding High Rates of Hysterectomies Being Performed on Immigrant Women
07/22/2020 Letter to the Hon. John Barsa, Acting Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development - House Democrats Call for Resignation of Dangerous USAID Political Appointee
05/27/2020 Letter to the Hon. Stephen Biegun, Deputy Secretary of the Dept. of State - Foreign Affairs Committee Democrats Criticize Administration over Apparently Retaliatory Firing of State IG
05/21/2020 Letter to the Hon. Stephen Akard, Acting Inspector General of the Dept. of State - Maloney, Engel, Connolly, and Castro Condemn Firing of State Department IG After Reports Reveal Ongoing Scrutiny of Pompeo's Actions
05/21/2020 Letter to the Hon. Michael Pompeo, Secretary of the Dept. of State - Maloney, Engel, Connolly, and Castro Condemn Firing of State Department IG After Reports Reveal Ongoing Scrutiny of Pompeo's Actions
05/18/2020 Letter to the Hon. Michael Pompeo, Secretary of the Dept. of State - Engel & Castro Call on Pompeo to Provide Information on Barriers to Diversity at State Department
05/13/2020 Letter to Dr. Steven Dillingham, Director of the U.S. Census Bureau - Haaland, Democratic Leaders of Color Urge Action to Prevent Census Undercount
03/23/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Connolly, Over 120 House Democrats Urge Trump to Drop ACA Lawsuit During Coronavirus Pandemic
03/20/2020 Letter to Acting Secretary Chad Wolf, Department of Homeland Security - Connolly, Bicameral Group of Members Press Trump Administration on Reports DHS is Preparing Mass Deportations of DREAMers
03/02/2020 Letter to the Hon. Brian Bulatao, Undersecretary of Secretary for Management for the Dept. of State - Castro and Engel push State Department for answers on payments to Trump properties
02/25/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mick Mulvaney, Acting Chief of Staff for the White House - Deutch, Luria, 22 Representatives Demand White House Deny TruNews Press Credentials
02/12/2020 Letter to the Hon. Rae Davis, Inspector General of the Department of Housing and Urban Development - Soto, Members Seek Probe into Whether Trump Administration's Delay of Puerto Rico Disaster Recovery Funds Violated Same Law as Delay of Ukraine Security Aid
11/21/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - 100+ Democrats Demand Stephen Miller's Immediate Firing
10/16/2019 Letter to Hon. William Barr, United States Attorney General - Rep. Sánchez to DOJ: Don't Strip Bargaining Rights of Immigration Judges
06/11/2019 Letter to the Hon. Daniel Coats, Director of National Intelligence - As Part of Inquiry Into White House Efforts to Suppress Climate Change Testimony, House Intelligence Committee Democrats Demand Answers from DNI
09/28/2018 Letter to President Donald Trump - Foster Announces Support for Legislation to Reverse Refugee Restrictions
06/21/2018 Letter to the Hon. Rodney Frelinghuysen, House Appropriations Chairman, and Nita Lowey, Ranking Member - Demand House Appropriations Committee Reject Family Separations in Upcoming Funding Bills

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