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Al Green's Public Statements on Issue: Foreign Aid


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (TX) - District 9

Date Title
09/08/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President - Dingell, Tlaib, Lofgren, Nadler Lead Over 65 Colleagues in Urging for Lebanon TPS Designation
06/04/2021 Letter to the Honorable Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States - Ahead of G7 Summit, Jayapal Leads Lawmakers in Urging Biden to Take Aggressive Steps to Ensure a Quick and Equitable Global Vaccine Distribution
01/10/2020 Letter to President Donald Trump - Serrano Leads Letter Urging Trump Administration to Issue Major Disaster Declaration Following Earthquakes in Puerto Rico
10/10/2019 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher Requests Information on President Trump's Decision to Withdraw U.S. Troops From Syria
07/26/2019 Letter to the Hon. Michael Pompeo, Secretary of State - Congresswoman Lee, Pro-Choice Caucus Leaders, and 146 House Members Urge Administration to Immediately Reverse Decision to Withdraw Funding from UNFPA
02/25/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Congresswoman Katie Porter Leads Bipartisan Group in Requesting Additional Action to Secure American Michael Nguyen's Release from Vietnam
09/28/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of the US Department of State - Reps. Smith, Price, Welch and Over 100 House Democrats Urge Trump Administration to Reverse Decision To Slash Critical Aid for Regional Stability in the Middle East
07/27/2018 Letter to the Hon. L. Francis Cissna, Director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services - Designate TPS for Guatemala and Nicaragua
07/18/2018 Letter to the Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State - Secure William Nguyen's Safe Return from Vietnam
05/06/2015 Letter to Jeh Johnson, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, John Kerry, Secretary of State - Temporary Protected Status for Nepal Natives
12/16/2013 Letter to John Kerry, Secretary of State, Chuck Hagel, Secretary of Defense and Rajiv Shah, Administrator, Agency for International Development - Typhoon Recovery
11/20/2013 Letter to Rand Beers, Secretary of Homeland Security - Typhoon Haiyan and Temporary Protected Status
04/18/2013 Letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry - U.S.-Colombia Policy
12/03/2008 Letter to Robert Zoellick, President of the World Bank