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Louie Gohmert's Public Statements

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Date Title
05/23/2016 Kari's Law passes in the U.S. House of Representatives, moves on to Senate
05/17/2016 Lawmaker predicts FBI will stay silent on Clinton indictment
05/10/2016 Gohmert Introduces Balanced Budget Amendment
05/05/2016 Gohmert's Statement on The 2016 National Day of Prayer
04/28/2016 Environmental Laws Threaten Safety in Borderland Communities
02/24/2016 Agencies Questioned on Impacts of Obama Administration's New Environmental Mitigation Regulations
02/11/2016 Defend the Second Amendment, Vote for Louie Gohmert
06/24/2015 Subcommittee Hearing Probes into GAO Report on Mismanagement of Renewable Energy Bonding at BLM
06/21/2015 'Iran nukes will be Israel's gas chambers'
06/18/2015 Gohmert Honored with Endowment for Middle East Truth "Speaker of Truth" Award
05/21/2015 Interior may be breaking law as it develops stream rule -- congressman E&E News, By Manuel Quinones
05/04/2015 Gohmert's Statement on the Terrorist Attack in Garland, Texas
04/15/2015 Gohmert Introduces "No Taxation Without Representation Act'
04/15/2015 Gohmert Calls for Audit on United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
04/09/2015 Gohmert To Attend Fort Hood Purple Heart Ceremony
03/10/2015 Congressman Gohmert Receives Club for Growth's Defender of Economic Freedom Award
02/17/2015 Gohmert on Texas Judge's Order to Block Obama's Unlawful Amnesty
02/12/2015 Gohmert on Census Bureau's Findings: United States Added Twice as Many Immigrants as Jobs Since 2000
01/29/2015 Gohmert Co-sponsors Waters of the United States Regulatory Overreach Protection Act
01/12/2015 Rep. Louie Gohmert Named Deep East Texas Legislator of the Year
01/04/2015 Gohmert Announces Run for Speaker of the House
12/16/2014 Gohmert Pleased to Announce Winners of 2015 Congressional Art Competition
12/11/2014 Gohmert Joins Texas Delegation in Support of Texas' Lawsuit Against Executive Amnesty Action
11/05/2014 Election Leaves Gohmert Blessed But Concerned
10/29/2014 Gohmert Appalled at Obama Administration's Decision to Treat Non-U.S. Citizens with Ebola in the United States

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