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Michael Burgess' Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net

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Date Title
04/16/2021 Rescinding 1115 Waiver extension only hurts patients
01/22/2021 Burgess champions 1115 waiver extension for Texas
06/20/2019 Dr. Burgess' Remarks on Health Care in the U.S. Territories
07/18/2017 Reps. Burgess, Dingell, Roskam, and Thompson Statement on the Reintroduction of the Independence at Home Act of 2017
03/02/2016 #RecordOfSuccess: House Passes Bipartisan E&C Bill to Strengthen Medicaid for Nation's Most Vulnerable
05/20/2015 Burgess introduces bill to improve Medicare osteoporosis testing
05/21/2014 Burgess Introduces Legislation to Improve Care, Treatment of Sleep Apnea
03/06/2014 Committee Leaders Applaud Bipartisan, Bicameral Agreement to Repeal and Replace SGR Formula -- Burgess Formally Introduces House Bill
02/28/2014 GOP Doctor's Caucus Supports Burgess' Legislation to Repeal, Replace SGR
01/09/2014 Health Subcommittee Continues Work Toward Permanent Solution to SGR
12/06/2013 CBO Lowers Cost of Energy and Commerce SGR Repeal and Replacement
07/31/2013 Committee Advances Fair, Transparent, Bipartisan Bill to Reform Medicare Physician Payments
07/31/2013 "DocFix' Passes Unanimously in Energy and Commerce Committee
07/23/2013 Health Subcommittee Advances Bipartisan SGR Replacement
07/18/2013 Committee Releases Updated Draft Proposal for Medicare Physician Payment Reform
06/28/2013 Transparent Medicare Physician Payment Reform Process Gains Momentum - Committee Releases Advanced Legislative Framework
05/28/2013 Committee Continues Transparent Medicare Physician Payment Reform Process -- Releases Draft Legislative Framework
04/01/2013 Gov. Perry, Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz: Texas Stands Firm Against Medicaid Expansion
02/07/2013 Energy and Commerce & Ways and Means Outline Collaborative Medicare Physician Payment Reform Effort
02/17/2012 Burgess Votes Against More Delays and Deeper Deficit
02/01/2012 GOP Doctors Caucus: Repeal of Insolvent, Disastrous CLASS Act Vital First Step
11/08/2011 Kucinich, Burton and Young Lead Bipartisan Appeal to Protect Men from Prostate Cancer
10/14/2011 Congressional Working Group Releases Investigative Report on Unsustainable CLASS Act
09/15/2011 Congressional Working Group Releases Investigative Report on Unsustainable CLASS Act
07/19/2011 Burgess Votes in Favor of Cap, Cut, and Balance

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