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Rob Bishop's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

Date Title
08/18/2020 Bishop Slams Democrats for Misleading Public, Partisan Abuse of Committee
07/30/2020 Bishop Statement Welcoming Rep. Stauber to the Natural Resources Committee
02/12/2020 Republicans Slam Democrats' Subpoena Power Grab
12/12/2019 Aurelia Skipwith Confirmed to Lead USFWS
09/24/2019 Bishop Statement Following Pelosi Impeachment Inquiry Announcement
07/17/2019 Bishop: "The Committee has become a mockery of democracy and a mockery of good government."
01/04/2019 Bishop Says NO to Democrat Rules
01/30/2018 Rep. Curtis Joins Natural Resources Committee
07/20/2017 House Passes King Cove Road Land Exchange Act
06/27/2017 Bishop: Pumped Storage Integral to "All of the Above" Energy Strategy
05/18/2017 Bishop Statement on Appointment to Chair Speaker's Task Force on Intergovernmental Affairs
05/04/2017 Bishop Casts Vote to REPEAL Obamacare
11/18/2016 E&C and Natural Resources Committee Leaders Comment on Energy Conference
11/17/2016 House Passes Bill to Reject President's Midnight Rules
04/13/2016 Bishop: Obama Administration's Proposed Changes to Puerto Rico Legislation Necessitate Markup Delay
02/18/2016 Committee Issues Subpoenas on Gold King Documents
01/13/2016 Chairman Bishop Reacts to President's Last State of the Union Address
11/13/2015 Bishop Response to Rep. Cynthia Lummis' Retirement Announcement
10/18/2014 Blog: Federalism -- The Founders' Formula for Freedom
01/03/2013 Congressman Rob Bishop Sworn Into 113th Congress
08/08/2011 Statement on Conclusion of House Page Program
12/21/2010 Bishop Hails New 4th Congressional District in Utah