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Peter Welch's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
09/16/2021 Welch Committees Pass Critical Initiatives as Part of $3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Package
06/16/2021 Welch, Clarke Introduce Legislation to Establish a National Renewable Energy Standard
05/20/2021 Welch, Van Hollen Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Cut Energy Costs for Homeowners, Invest in Clean Energy Jobs & Technology
05/14/2021 Kuster, Kelly, Welch, and Pingree Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Incentivize Efficient, Renewable Energy
01/29/2021 Kuster, Welch Introduce Bill to Provide $10 Billion in Utility Debt Relief
12/28/2020 Welch Priorities Signed Into Law As Part Of Omnibus Government Funding Bill
12/28/2020 Welch Priorities Signed Into Law As Part Of Omnibus Government Funding Bill
12/18/2020 Welch, Clarke Introduce National Renewable Energy and Efficiency Standard Legislation
09/17/2020 Leahy, Sanders, Welch Introduce Bill to Give States Greater Control Over Reactor Shutdown Plans
11/14/2019 Rep. Welch, Sen. Udall Introduce Legislation to Reform the Renewable Fuel Standard to Benefit the Environment
06/04/2019 Bipartisan, Bicameral Group of Lawmakers Introduce Energy Efficiency Legislation
10/05/2018 Reps. Kinzinger, Welch, McKinley, and Tonko Introduce Energy Efficient Legislation
03/08/2018 Rep. Welch, Sen. Udall Introduce Legislation to Mitigate Environmental Impacts of Renewable Fuel Standard
02/07/2018 Sanders, Welch Reintroduce Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Act
10/02/2017 Shea-Porter, Bipartisan Group of Members Press for More LIHEAP Funding
06/12/2017 House Unanimously Passes Cartwright and Welch Bill to Improve Energy Efficiency
05/25/2017 Welch, Luján Introduce National Renewable Energy and Efficiency Standard Legislation
01/30/2017 Bipartisan, Bicameral Group of Lawmakers Introduce Energy Efficiency Legislation
01/25/2017 Reps. Doyle, Jenkins, Ryan, and Welch Introduce Bill to Help Laid-off Coal Miners
12/14/2016 Welch Outlines Ethanol Reform Agenda for New Congress
07/11/2016 Courtney Announces New Bill To Aid Municipalities Like Haddam With 'Stranded Nuclear Waste'
05/11/2016 Reps. Flores, Welch, Goodlatte and Costa Introduce Food and Fuel Consumer Protection Act
04/20/2016 Welch Introduces House Legislation in Continued Push for Local Involvement in Nuclear Plant Decommissioning
04/01/2016 Leahy, Sanders, Welch File Brief To DC Circuit Court Supporting Clean Power Plan
11/30/2015 Lawmakers: Congress Must Act on Ethanol Mandate

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