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Peter Welch's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

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Date Title
08/04/2022 Senate and House Members Introduce PLAN for Broadband Act
05/19/2022 Welch Introduces Bill to Provide Oversight of Big Tech
03/09/2021 Welch Introduces $80 Billion Broadband Expansion Bill
02/24/2021 Klobuchar, Collins Introduce Legislation to Crack Down on Fraud Targeting Seniors
02/13/2021 Welch Committees Pass Key Vermont Priorities in COVID Relief Bill
07/24/2020 Sherrill, Curtis, Welch, and Spanberger Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Assess Impact of COVID-19 Telehealth Policies
07/16/2020 Thompson, Welch, Johnson, Schweikert, Matsui Introduce the Protecting Access to Post-COVID-19 Telehealth Act
04/30/2020 Welch Announces Plan to Close the Digital Divide and Expand Broadband to All Americans
04/30/2020 Clyburn, Pallone, and 10 House Dems Announce Plan to Connect All Americans to Affordable Broadband Internet
03/31/2020 Gianforte Supports Montanans, Telecommunications Providers Amid COVID-19 Outbreak
03/03/2020 Wyden, Merkley Urge the Supreme Court to Uphold Statute Protecting Consumers from Unwanted Robocalls
06/07/2018 Latta, Welch Introduce Bipartisan SMART IoT Act
04/24/2018 Judiciary and Oversight Committee Democrats Issue Joint Statement After Interview with Cambridge Analytica Whistleblower
02/09/2018 Klobuchar, Thune, Tester, Young, Welch Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Rural Call Completion Passes House, Heads to President's Desk to be Signed into
01/16/2018 Congressman Smith Joins Congressman Doyle and Colleagues in Announcing Legislation to Save Net Neutrality
12/14/2017 Welch Statement on FCC Net Neutrality Action, and Legislation He is Sponsoring to Overturn It
05/17/2017 Senate, House: We Need to Stop Online Booking Scams
05/16/2017 Welch Urges Vermonters to Make Views Heard on FCC's Pending Reversal of "Net Neutrality' Policy
01/24/2017 Paulsen, Welch Introduce Bill to Remove Barriers to Growing the Internet of Things
01/13/2017 Welch Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Improve Rural Call Completion
01/04/2017 IoT Working Group Releases Report on Activities in the 114th Congress
11/14/2016 U.S. House Passes Welch, Young Rural Call Quality Legislation
09/29/2016 House Passes Welch Legislation to Improve Phone Service in Rural America
02/03/2016 Cardin, Bipartisan Team of Senators Introduce Legislation to Expand Telehealth Services, Improve Health Outcomes, and Reduce Costs
02/03/2016 Cramer, Latta, Pocan and Welch Launch Bipartisan Rural Broadband Caucus

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