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Peter Welch's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens

Date Title
01/21/2022 Letter to the Hon. Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services - Ruiz Calls on Medicare to Cover At-Home COVID-19 Tests for Seniors
04/19/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States; and Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States - Rep. Bowman and Sens. Brown, Sanders, and Warren Lead Colleagues in Calling for Desperately-Needed Expansions and Improvements to SSI Program
03/30/2021 Letter to Honorable Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States and Honorable Kamala D. Harris, Vice President of the United States - Dingell, Pressley, Lamb, Jayapal Lead Call for Historic Investment in Home and Community-Based Services in Recovery Package
08/25/2020 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Kevin McCarthy, House Minority Leader - Bonamici, Katko, Wild, Stefanik Lead Bipartisan Call for $1.1B to Fund Programs for Older Americans During COVID-19
06/08/2020 Letter to Steven Mnuchin, Department of the Treasury Secretary, and Charles Rettig, Internal Revenue Service Commissioner - Leahy, Sanders And Welch Push IRS To Ensure All Eligible Vermonters Receive Stimulus Checks
05/29/2020 Letter to the Hon. Alex Azar, Secretary of The Department of Health and Human Services - Cartwright Leads Effort to Keep Seniors in Assisted Living Communities Safe During COVID-19 Pandemic
03/15/2018 Letter to Chairman Aderholt and Ranking Member Bishop - Preserve Funding for Critical Nutrition Program for Seniors
03/17/2017 Letter to the Hon. Greg Walden - Hold Hearing on AHCA in Light of Startling CBO Report
03/24/2016 Letter to Chairman Cole and Ranking Member DeLauro - Fully Fund Senior Community-Based Programs
09/30/2014 Letter to Carolyn Colvin, Commisioner of the Social Security Administration - Same Sex Couples and Social Security Benefits
02/15/2013 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security
12/13/2012 Letter to President Obama - Medicare Eligibility
10/17/2011 Letter to the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction
07/21/2011 Letter to Barack H. Obama, President of the United States - Cuts to Social Security Revenue
06/16/2011 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the US House of Representatives - Prescription Drug Costs