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Peter Welch's Public Statements on Issue: Finance and Banking

Date Title
04/30/2020 Vermont Delegation Urges Secretary Mnuchin and Administrator Carranza to Clarify PPP Loan Forgiveness for Small Businesses
02/27/2020 Leahy, Sanders, Welch: Housing Vermont Receives $2 Million in U.S. Treasury Support for Affordable Housing Development
09/13/2016 Welch, Durbin Statement on House Committee Passage of Repeal of Wall Street Reform
01/20/2015 Welch Statement in Response to the President's State of the Union Address
03/20/2013 In Wake of JPMorgan Report, Lynch, Members of Congress Call for Immediate Implementation of Volcker Rule
06/29/2012 Welch Statement on Successful Effort to Block Doubling of Stafford Student Loan Interest Rate
03/08/2012 Hearing of the House Budget Committee - Member's Day
10/18/2011 Welch and DeLauro Statements on New Oil Speculation Rule
10/16/2011 Rutland Herald: 'Vt. Banks Won't Follow Bank of America Down the Debit Card Fee Path'
10/03/2011 Welch Statement on New Bank of America and Citigroup Banking Fees
06/08/2011 Welch Statement on Failure of Senate Amendment to Serail Swipe-fee Reforms
02/17/2011 Welch Statement on Swipe Fee Hearing in House Financial Services Subcommittee
02/04/2010 Welch Statement On Boehner Courting Wall Street
01/22/2010 Welch Statement on Wall Street Executive Compensation
10/14/2009 Welch Calls On AIG To Return Bonuses At Oversight Committee Hearing
10/08/2009 Hearing Of The House Financial Services Committee - H.R. 2382, The Credit Card Interchange Fees Act Of 2009 And H.R. 3639, The Expedited CARD Reform For Consumers Act Of 2009