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Randy Forbes' Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel

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Date Title
07/13/2016 Forbes Receives Chaplain Alliance Torchbearer Award for Dedication to Religious Freedom
04/14/2016 Rep. Calvert Introduces Legislation to Ensure Military Reservists Receive Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits as Intended
05/22/2015 Forbes Named "Legislator of the Year" by the Virginia Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America
02/23/2015 Wednesday: Forbes to Chair Seapower Hearing on Navy Budget
01/28/2015 Forbes Receives Association of the United States Navy's
11/13/2014 Forbes, Lamborn Praise Revision of Air Force Policy
08/27/2014 Forbes Leads Members in Urging Navy to Keep Bibles in Lodging Facilities
06/06/2013 Forbes: Defense Policy Bill Recognizes Importance of Army Logistics
02/25/2013 Forbes Introduces Bill to Avert Defense Sequester
07/24/2012 Forbes Statement on DoD Permitting Uniformed Servicemembers to March in Gay Pride Parade
07/09/2012 Military Cuts Loom as Late Campaign Issue
06/22/2012 66 Members of Congress Call Attention to Alarming Pattern of Attacks on Faith in the Air Force
06/21/2012 Black Leads 65 Members of Congress to Call Attention to Alarming Pattern of Attacks on Faith in the Air Force
05/18/2012 Forbes on China Power Report: "The U.S. and China are on Opposite Trajectories"
04/25/2012 Forbes Announces Defending Our Defenders Event
12/14/2011 President Signs Bipartisan National Guard & Reservist Debt Relief Extension Act Into Law
12/14/2011 Forbes Announces Items of Interest to Virginia in National Defense Policy Bill Conference Report
12/01/2011 House Approves Bipartisan National Guard & Reservist Debt Relief Extension Act
11/29/2011 House Approves Bipartisan National Guard & Reservist Debt Relief Extension Act
11/29/2011 House Approves Bipartisan National Guard & Reservist Debt Relief Extension Act
08/22/2011 Forbes Again Calls on DoD to Release China Military Power Report After 175 Day Delay
06/15/2011 Virginia Delegation Applauds Navy Decision to Commission USS Arlington in Virginia
06/15/2011 Cohen Introduces Bipartisan National Guard & Reservist Debt Relief Extension Act
05/12/2011 Forbes Calls for Closer Look at China's Military Modernization in NDAA
03/30/2011 Forbes to Hold Roundtable Hearing on Future of Jointness in Armed Forces

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