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Debbie Stabenow's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

Date Title
12/15/2020 Tweet - "Michigan put the world on wheels & has always been at the forefront of innovative technologies. If Gov. Granholm is chosen as Energy Secretary, I know she'll support our manufacturers and workers while making sure our country leads the fight against the climate crisis."
10/17/2019 Tweet - "America's future depends on clean energy & Michigan is #1 in Midwest for clean energy jobs. But President Trump has replaced the Clean Power Plan with a rule that rewards big polluters and accelerates the climate crisis. I voted Yes on the CRA to repeal Trump's #DirtyPowerScam."
10/04/2019 Tweet - "NEW: Today I'm releasing a report on how the #ClimateCrisis is impacting Michigan's public health, our Great Lakes, agriculture, and our economy - and how our state is poised to lead the way in reducing the effects of the crisis. Read the report here: …"
08/19/2019 Tweet - "While Michigan agriculture is struggling with poor weather and trade disruptions, the Trump administration continues to side with Big Oil instead of our farmers. Unacceptable!"
07/31/2019 Tweet - "Climate change is having devastating effects on Michigan families, farmers, businesses and our Great Lakes. We need action now. I'm joining @SenWhitehouse and @SenateDems to demand the @USChamber stop obstructing! #ChamberofCarbon"
08/01/2018 Tweet - "Great news! Thanks to your hard work, we saved all of the 2019 funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative! But our lakes aren't safe yet. Thanks to Trump's executive order, we must stand together to make sure there is NO drilling in our lakes!"
06/20/2018 Tweet - "It sure looks like President Trump is trying to overturn my ban on oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes. We will NOT let that happen! Read my letter to him here."
06/20/2018 Tweet - "The first bill I passed into law as a US Senator was a ban on oil and gas drilling in the Great Lakes. If the Trump Administration thinks its Executive Order can open the door to drilling in our Great Lakes, they should know that we will NEVER let that happen!!"
06/20/2018 Tweet - "With a new executive order, the Trump Administration may be trying to open our waters for drilling. I've fought for our Great Lakes since day one, and I am not going to stop now! There will be NO drilling in our lakes!"
05/27/2018 Tweet - "Just filled up my tank in Lansing on the way to Memorial Day parades. Despite billions in tax breaks and a new tax loophole for Big Oil, we get higher and higher gas prices! Such a deal!"
04/15/2018 Tweet - ".@SenGaryPeters and I called for Line 5 to be shut down until it can absolutely be verified it is safe. Protecting our Great Lakes must be our top priority. It was the right call for PHMSA to press Enbridge to shut it down during this bad weather!"