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John McCain III's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel


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Date Title
05/27/2010 Statement By Senator John McCain
05/27/2010 Statement By Senator John McCain Regardig Passage Of The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Amendment By The Senate Armed Services Committee
02/02/2010 Senate Armed Services Committee Opening Statement By Senator John McCain On The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy
11/06/2009 Statement By Senator John McCain
10/01/2009 Statement By Senator John McCain
06/11/2009 Panel I Of A Hearing Of The Senate Armed Services Committee - To Consider Nominations
06/04/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Armed Services Committee - The Fiscal Year 2010 Defense Authorization Budget Request For The Navy
05/21/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Armed Services Committe - Department Of The Air Force In Review Of The Defense Authorization Request For Fiscal Year 2010 And The Future Years Defense Program
05/19/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Armed Services Committe - FY 2010 Army Budget
05/12/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Armed Services Committee - To Consider The Nominations Of Andrew Weber To Be Assistant To The Secretary Of Defense For Nuclear And Chemical And Biological Defense Programs; Paul Stockton To Be Assistant Secretary Of Defense
05/07/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Committee On Armed Services - The Report Of The Congressional Commission On The Strategic Posture Of The United States
04/28/2009 Panel I Of A Hearing Of Senate Armed Services Committee - Nominations
03/24/2009 Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing - United States European Command And United States Joint Forces Command
03/19/2009 Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing
03/17/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Armed Services Committee
01/22/2009 Joint Statement By Senator McCain And Senator Graham On Guantanamo Executuve Order
09/19/2008 Statement By John McCain on National POW/MIA Recognition Day
09/06/2008 Joint Statement Of Senators Barack Obama and John McCain On Visit to Ground Zero on Thursday, September 11, 2008
07/28/2008 Statement on Barack Obama's Cancelled Troop Visits
07/19/2008 John McCain's Weekly Radio Address
07/03/2008 Statement by John McCain on the Groundbreaking of the New National Military Medical Center
11/01/2007 Senators McCain and Graham Offer Support for Attorney General Nominee
10/16/2007 Remarks by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) Presidential Candidate, at the Republican Jewish Coalition Victory 2008 Forum and Luncheon
07/18/2007 Press Stakeout With Republican Senators Following Defeat Of Levin-Reed Amendment
05/28/2007 Statement By Senator John McCain In Recognition Of Memorial Day

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