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John McCain III's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending


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Date Title
02/07/2018 McCain & Thornberry Statement on Budget Agreement
02/07/2018 Thornberry/McCain On Budget Agreement
01/20/2018 McCain on the Government Shutdown
01/18/2018 Statement By Senator John McCain On Congress' Failure to Reach a Budget Agreement
12/21/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain On the Impact of A Continuing Resolution on the Military
12/20/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain On Trump Administration Approving The Sale of Lethal Defensive Weapons to Ukraine
12/07/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain Opposing The Continuing Resolution
11/16/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain On Congress's Final Passage Of National Defense Authorization Act
11/11/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain On U.S. Carrier Exercises In Western Pacific
11/08/2017 Senate and House Armed Services Committees Complete Conference on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018
10/25/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain On The Start Of NDAA Conference
10/17/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain On The Senate Budget Resolution
09/14/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain On Senate Vote To Advance The NDAA
09/12/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain On Letter By Secretary Mattis Detailing Impact of Continuing Resolutions On Military
09/12/2017 SASC Chairman John McCain Seeks to Remove Burma Military Cooperation From NDAA
08/30/2017 McCain & Reed Request Information from DOD on Effects of Continuing Resolution
06/27/2017 Statement by Senator John McCain on the Better Care Reconciliation Act
05/23/2017 SASC Chairman McCain on the President's FY 2018 Budget Request
03/16/2017 Statement by SASC Chairman John Mccain on the White House's Proposed Topline Defense Budget
02/27/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain on the White House's Defense Budget
02/15/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain on GAO's High Risk List
02/10/2017 Statement By SASC Chairman John McCain on U.S. Navy Fleet Architecture Studies
01/16/2017 Restoring American Power: SASC Chairman John McCain Releases Defense Budget White Paper
01/11/2017 Statement By Senator John McCain on Phone Call with Prime Minister of Montenegro
01/10/2017 Statement By Senator John McCain on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Program

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