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John McCain III's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance


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Date Title
10/20/2016 Statement by Senator John McCain on President Obama's Remarks on Obamacare
10/19/2016 McCain on Skyrocketing Obamacare Premium Hikes in AZ
09/29/2016 Statement by Senator McCain on Obama Administration Violating Law in Obamacare Implementation
09/07/2016 Statement by Senator John McCain on Blue Cross Blue Shield Offering Obamacare Plans in Pinal County
09/07/2016 Cotton, McCain, Sasse, Flake, Johnson & Barrasso Introduce Bill to Protect Americans from Collapse of Obamacare
08/05/2016 Statement By Senator John McCain On High Premium Rate Increase Requests Under Obamacare In Arizona
08/02/2016 Statement By Senator John Mccain On Aetna Projecting Major Obamacare Losses & Reassessing Participation In Exchanges
07/22/2016 Statement by Senator John McCain on Health Choice Insurance Co. Exiting Obamacare Marketplace in Arizona
07/14/2016 Senators Introduce the Obamacare Tax Relief and Consumer Choice Act
06/30/2016 Statement by Senator John McCain on Blue Cross Blue Shield's Decision to Exit Arizona Marketplace
06/07/2016 Statement by Senator John McCain on Proposed Major Premium Hikes for Obamacare in Arizona
05/12/2016 Statement by Senator John McCain on Federal Court Ruling on Obamacare
03/23/2016 Senator John McCain Wishes Obamacare an Unhappy 6th Birthday
01/07/2016 Statement by Senator McCain Urging The President To Sign Obamacare Repeal Bill
12/03/2015 Senator John McCain Votes to Repeal Obamacare
06/25/2015 Senator John McCain on Supreme Court Decision in King V. Burwell
04/15/2015 Statement by Senator John McCain on Tax Day
03/23/2015 McCain on Fifth Anniversary of Obamacare
09/17/2014 Statement by Senator McCain on GAO Report Confirming Administrations's Failure to Prevent Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Under Obamacare
03/26/2014 Senator McCain on Obama Admin Delaying Individual Mandate
09/23/2013 Statement by Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham Urging Repeal of Medical Device Tax During CR Debate
08/15/2012 Statement by Senator John McCain on 2009 Senate Debate Over Medicare Cuts to Pay for Obamacare
03/03/2010 McCain-Kyl Statement on Unemployment Benefits Extension
07/26/2008 Remarks by John McCain to the Americans with Disabilities Conference
07/09/2008 Statement by John McCain on Senate Medicare Vote

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