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Dianne Feinstein's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch


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Date Title
07/07/2022 Feinstein on Filibuster Carve-Out for Abortion Rights
11/15/2021 Feinstein Statement on Leahy Retirement Announcement
11/09/2021 Sens. Marshall, Feinstein, Gillibrand, Ernst Bill Creates 9/11-Style COVID-19 Commission
06/08/2021 Feinstein Statement on Capitol Attack Report
05/28/2021 Feinstein Statement on Failed Vote to Create Bipartisan January 6 Commission
04/08/2021 Feinstein Statement on Biden's Gun Actions
02/23/2021 Feinstein Introduces Becerra at HHS Confirmation Hearing
01/20/2021 Feinstein Welcomes Padilla to Senate
01/07/2021 Feinstein Joins Calls to Remove Trump from Office
12/22/2020 Feinstein: Padilla "Excellent Choice' for Senate Appointment
12/09/2020 Feinstein: COVID-19 Relief Essential to Slowing Surge of New Infections
10/21/2020 Feinstein: Barrett Hearings Confirmed Reproductive Rights Fears
10/20/2020 Feinstein: Barrett Hearings Confirmed Health Care Fears
10/15/2020 Feinstein to Vote No on Barrett Nomination; Democrats Showed What's at Stake in Hearing
04/21/2020 Feinstein: Latest Coronavirus Relief Bill Helps Small Businesses, Health Care Providers
02/13/2020 Senate Judiciary Democrats to Chairman Graham: Investigate Political Interference at DOJ
02/12/2020 Feinstein Calls for Investigation of DOJ Intervention in Stone Sentencing
02/07/2020 Feinstein on Firing of Impeachment Witnesses
02/05/2020 Feinstein Statement on Constituent Engagement on Impeachment
02/04/2020 Feinstein Remarks on Vote to Impeach President Trump
01/31/2020 Feinstein on Vote to Subpoena Witnesses in Impeachment Trial
01/29/2020 Feinstein: $1 Trillion Deficit Proves Republican Tax Cuts Aren't Paying for Themselves
01/28/2020 Feinstein on Impeachment Trial, Need for Bolton Testimony
01/27/2020 Feinstein: John Bolton Must Testify
01/24/2020 Feinstein on Final Day of House Managers' Impeachment Presentation

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