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Dianne Feinstein's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration


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Date Title
06/15/2022 Feinstein Calls for Comprehensive Immigration Reform on 10th Anniversary of DACA
03/17/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Padilla, Durbin, Leahy, Merkley, Colleagues Encourage Biden Administration's Efforts To Provide A Just Resolution For Families Separated Under The Former President's Cruel "Zero-Tolerance" Policy
02/09/2022 Letter to Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary Department of Homeland Security, and Hon. Martin Walsh, Secretary of Department of Labor, Bennet, Hickenlooper Urge Biden Administration To Address Labor Shortages With Visa Cap Relief
06/15/2021 Feinstein Speaks in Support of Dream Act
03/19/2021 Feinstein Supports Bipartisan Farm Labor Bill
03/19/2021 Members of Congress Urge Administration to Ensure Undocumented Immigrants Can Receive COVID-19 Care
03/18/2021 Feinstein Supports House Passage of Dream Act
03/10/2021 Padilla, Feinstein Join Colleagues to Reintroduce Bicameral Legislation to Require COVID-19 Data Collection in Immigration Detention Facilities
02/02/2021 Feinstein: President's Actions Ensures Our Country Welcomes Immigrants
06/19/2020 Congressional Democrats Call on Administration to Reverse Policies Targeting Asylum Seekers
05/19/2020 DHS Will Examine Coronavirus Policy in Detention After Senators Raised Concerns
03/03/2020 Neguse, Murphy, Chu, Feinstein Lead Effort to Block President Trump's Expanded Muslim Ban
01/28/2020 Bicameral Congressional Leaders Call on the Ninth Circuit to Uphold Protections for Immigrant Children
12/31/2019 Members Oppose Proposal to Increase Fees for Citizenship, Asylum Seekers
10/31/2019 Senator Hirono Leads Bipartisan Resolution to Honor Filipino American History Month
09/18/2019 Casey, 26 Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Trump Administration's So-Called "Public Charge" Rule
09/17/2019 Wyden, 26 Senate Democrats Introduce Legislation to Block Implementation of Trump Administration's So-Called "Public Charge" Rule
09/10/2019 LA County Board of Supervisors Supports Feinstein Bill to Protect Migrant Children
06/06/2019 Feinstein on Inspector General Report on Conditions at ICE Dentition Facilities
06/05/2019 Feinstein Introduces Bill to Protect Immigrant Children, Streamline System
05/31/2019 Feinstein on President Trump's Tariffs on Mexican Imports
04/17/2019 Feinstein Statement on Attorney General's Asylum Decision
04/10/2019 Senators Introduce Bill to Repeal Muslim Travel Ban
04/08/2019 Feinstein on Purge of Senior DHS Leadership
04/07/2019 Feinstein Statement on Nielsen Resignation

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