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Dianne Feinstein's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel


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Date Title
03/10/2022 Senators Reverend Warnock, Duckworth, Murkowski Introduce New Bipartisan Bill to Tackle Military Hunger
11/17/2021 Feinstein, Bennet, Crapo Introduce Bipartisan Amendment to Formally Authorize National Guard Fireguard Program
11/12/2021 Feinstein: Air Force Aviator Cancer Study Reinforces Urgency of Comprehensive DOD Review
11/10/2021 Feinstein Bill Would Improve National Guard Emergency Response Efforts
08/26/2021 Feinstein Statement on Kabul Terrorist Attacks
12/11/2020 Feinstein Priorities Included in Annual Defense Authorization Bill
11/17/2020 Feinstein: President Trump Threatening National Security on Way Out
10/02/2020 Feinstein, Warner, Kaine Request DOD Update on Implementation of Military Housing Reforms
09/24/2020 Feinstein, Barragán Bill Would Designate USS Iowa as National Surface Navy Museum
08/14/2020 Feinstein, Harris Request Information from Navy Following Series of Challenges
04/03/2020 Feinstein on Removal of USS Theodore Roosevelt Captain
12/03/2019 Feinstein Statement on Privatized Military Housing Hearing
07/16/2019 Graham, Feinstein Introduce the National Guard and Reservist Debt Relief Extension Act
06/28/2019 Senate Passes Legal Protections for Military Families in Privatized Housing
06/12/2019 Defense Bill Includes Legal Protections for Military Families in Privatized Housing
03/07/2019 Senators Introduce Bill To Protect Military Families Living In Private Housing
03/09/2017 Feinstein, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Veterans' Recruitment Bill
10/26/2016 Boxer, Feinstein to Introduce Bill on National Guard Bonuses
10/25/2016 Statement on Actions to Assist California National Guard Members
03/07/2012 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee - Examining Lending Discrimination Practices and Foreclosure Abuses
09/21/2011 Feinstein Statement on the Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
12/09/2010 Senator Feinstein Statement on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"
11/30/2010 Feinstein Urges Republicans to Support Swift End to Discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy
11/18/2010 Senator Feinstein Calls for Immediate Repeal of Discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Policy
06/18/2010 Members of the Senate Women's Caucus on Burma Call on Burmese Military Junta to Release Democratic Leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Her Birthday

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