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Dianne Feinstein's Public Statements on Issue: Arts, Entertainment, and History


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Date Title
07/28/2022 Padilla, Feinstein Introduce Bill to Create Wildlife Refuge in Riverside County
06/18/2022 Feinstein, Padilla, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Support 2028 Olympic, Paralympic Games
05/18/2022 Feinstein Applauds Labor Contract for U.S. Women's National Soccer Team
02/02/2022 As Black History Month Begins, Feinstein Joins Booker, Colleagues to Introduce the African American History Act
06/24/2021 Congresswoman Escobar Joins Democratic Women's Caucus and Senator Feinstein to Introduce Equal Pay Bill for U.S. National Teams
05/20/2021 Feinstein, Padilla Introduce Legislation to Expand Rosie the Riveter National Historical Park in Richmond
03/24/2021 Feinstein, Collins Resolution Marking Women's History Month Passes Senate
03/24/2021 Feinstein, Barragán Introduce Bill to Designate USS Iowa as National Surface Navy Museum
03/18/2021 Feinstein, Collins Introduce Resolution Designating March as Women's History Month
03/16/2021 Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill Supports Independent Musicians, Music Production Workers
12/31/2020 Feinstein to Park Service: Restart Lease Negotiations for San Francisco's Iconic Cliff
12/22/2020 Feinstein, Collins Bill to Create Smithsonian for Women's History Passes Congress
05/21/2020 Senator Markey Joins Senator Hirono to Introduce Resolution to Honor May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
05/08/2020 Blackburn & Feinstein Lead Female Senators in Partnership with Smithsonian Institution to Commemorate 100 Years of Women's Suffrage
08/01/2019 Resolution Applauds Organizations That Support Children
07/01/2019 Cortez Masto, Colleagues Honor Anniversary of Title Ix, Landmark Civil Rights Law Prohibiting Discrimination in Education on The Basis of Sex
05/31/2019 Menendez, Booker Join Resolution to Recognize May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
05/30/2019 Feinstein Joins Resolution to Recognize May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
05/27/2019 Feinstein Renews Call for Racing Moratorium at Santa Anita
05/20/2019 Feinstein, Murkowski Lead Senate Effort to Celebrate 100th Anniversary of 19th Amendment
05/20/2019 McSally Celebrates 100th Anniversary of 19th Amendment
05/17/2019 Cortez Masto Cosponsors Resolution Honoring 100 Th Anniversary of The 19 Th Amendment
05/17/2019 Murkowski Leads Senate Effort to Celebrate 100th Anniversary of 19th Amendment
01/15/2019 Feinstein, Thompson Introduce Mare Island Naval Cemetery Restoration Bill
09/18/2018 Senate Passes Bill to Compensate Songwriters, Producers Fairly for Streaming Music

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