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Dianne Feinstein's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution


Date Title
06/24/2020 Feinstein Opposes Republican Policing Bill
06/24/2020 The Justice Act
06/23/2020 Letter to the Hon. Eric S. Dreiband, Assistant Attorney General - Ahead of the 2020 Election, Senate Democrats Call for Proactive Efforts to Counter Voter Suppression Amid COVID-19 Safety Measures
06/23/2020 Feinstein Supports "Justice in Policing Act'
06/23/2020 Letter to Lori Augino, National Association of State Election Directors President, and the Hon. Paul Pate, National Association of Secretaries of State President - Ahead of the 2020 Election, Senate Democrats Call for Proactive Efforts to Counter Voter Suppression Amid COVID-19 Safety Measures
06/22/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Feinstein, Schumer, Klobuchar Call on McConnell to Cancel Vote on Nomination Of Cory Wilson To The Fifth Circuit
06/22/2020 Letter to the Hon. Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, the Hon. Toni Atkins, California Senate President Pro Tem, and the Hon. Anthony Rendon, California Assembly Speaker - Rep. Bass Sends Letter Urging Repeal Of Prop 209
06/19/2020 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Feinstein, Durbin, Colleagues Call on President Trump to Protect Dreamers
06/18/2020 Bennet, Senate Democrats Introduce Resolution Recognizing June as LGBTQ Pride Month
06/18/2020 Feinstein: DACA Ruling Positive, More Needed to Permanently Protect Dreamers
06/17/2020 Harris, Brown, Feinstein, Smith, Colleagues Introduce Resolution Recognizing June as LGBTQ Pride Month
06/17/2020 Brown, Feinstein, Smith Lead Senate Dems in Introducing Resolution Recognizing June as LGBTQ Pride Month
06/16/2020 Feinstein on Policing: "Meaningful Reform is Long Overdue'
06/16/2020 Letter to Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader - Following SCOTUS Ruling, Collins, Merkley, Baldwin, Booker Lead Bipartisan Push to Bring Equality Act to a Vote
06/16/2020 Letter to the Hon. Mitch McConnell - Feinstein, Merkely, Colleagues Push to Bring Equality Act to a Vote
06/15/2020 Feinstein: Supreme Court's LGBT Ruling "Victory for Equality'