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Dianne Feinstein's Public Statements on Issue: Legal


Date Title
09/15/2020 Feinstein, Hassan, Cornyn Request Details on Justice Department, FBI Efforts to Target Drug Trafficking on the Dark Web
02/19/2019 Feinstein on "Border Emergency' Lawsuit
12/18/2018 Feinstein Statement on New Report on Trump Organization Foreign Deals
09/12/2017 Feinstein Supports California Lawsuit to Preserve DACA
03/16/2017 Feinstein: Trump Budget Puts Border Wall Ahead of Local Law Enforcement
03/10/2017 Feinstein Statement on Firing of U.S. Attorneys
03/08/2017 Feinstein: Trump "Blatantly Defying' Constitution
03/02/2017 Feinstein: Sessions Must Recuse or Resign
02/27/2017 Feinstein Opposes Justice Department Decision to Change Position on Texas Voter Law
02/08/2017 Feinstein Votes "No' On Jeff Sessions Attorney General Nomination
01/31/2017 Feinstein: "I Must Vote No' on Sessions
01/25/2017 Feinstein: Before Acting on Torture, "Read the Report'
09/28/2016 Feinstein Statement on Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act
10/30/2015 Feinstein: Prosecutors Must Prioritize Sex Trafficking Cases, Focus on Buyers
06/26/2015 Feinstein Statement on Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges Ruling
06/11/2015 Senate Confirms Eileen Decker as U.S. Attorney
06/04/2015 Feinstein Statement on LGBT Pride Month
05/31/2015 Feinstein Statement on Passing of Beau Biden
04/23/2015 Feinstein Statement on Lynch Confirmation
03/06/2015 Brief of 167 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and 44 U.S. Senators as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
08/18/2014 Nomination of Haywood Gilliam to Northern California District Court
06/26/2013 Feinstein Statement on Supreme Court's DOMA, Prop 8 Decisions
08/14/2007 Statement of Senator Feinstein on Attorney General's Failure to Respond to Question about the Firing U.S. Attorneys
03/20/2007 Statement of Senator Dianne Feinstein on the Need for Key White House Officials to Come Before the Senate Under Oath