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Chuck Grassley's Public Statements on Issue: Business and Consumers

Date Title
12/21/2020 Tweet - "At my Q&As+ #99countymeetings Ive been hearing from Iowa small businesses abt importance of deducting business expenses even if they received a PPP loan. As a cosponsor of this measure I worked hard 2get it included in covid package so small biz can hv clarity for their cash flow"
08/07/2020 Tweet - "i need to correct my tweet on alum tariffs Now is NOT time to undermine unity w our Canadian friends by putting tariffs on aluminum @realDonaldTrump #CommonSense Use of national defense tariffs is ridiculous Beer cans are not defense weapons"
08/07/2020 Tweet - "Now is not time to show unity w ourCanadian friends by putting tariffs on aluminum @realDonaldTrump #CommonSense Use of national defense tariffs is ridiculous Beer cans are not defense weapons"
04/26/2020 Tweet - "World IP day is time 2 raise awareness of need 2 protect intellectual property rights esp as scamers/counterfeiters push knockoffs of supplies needed 2fight pandemic As co-chair of Congressional Trademark Caucus I've led oversight efforts 2 combat knockoffs+ ensure product safety"
04/18/2020 Tweet - "Watched Iowa Press &they talked abt remarkable flow of liquidity thru SBA paycheck protection program &its impact Iowa needs more resources 2meet demand Iowans r calling on Congress 2act Dems pls don't stand in way of small biz! PPP is wrking in Iowa 4.3B$ loaned to nearly 30kbiz"
12/23/2019 Tweet - "The SECURE Act was incl in yr end package Congress passed. I led effort on Senate side SECURE will help more Americans save 4 their retirement + help more small biz invest in their employees' future financial security like big cos already do"
12/23/2019 Tweet - "Additional tax extenders incl tuition deduction +increased tax deduction will b available for individuals w large health care expenses +the new paid family leave tax credit enacted in Tax Cuts& Jobs Act will b available so small biz can continue offering those important benefits"
12/21/2019 Tweet - "I intend to hv markup of USMCA b4 Sen Finance Cmte on Jan 7 Passing USMCA trade deal delivers much needed certainty + modernizes NAFTA I expect Senate will hv a strong bipartisan vote & can send USMCA to Pres Trump in early 2020"
11/14/2019 Tweet - "Glad to hear China will allow US poultry into their country after banning it for many yrs w/ no good reason Big victory for Pres Trump+USTR Lighthizer+USDA Scty Perdue Now more than $1B/yr of exports can be sold there Gr8 news for poultry farmers Iowa is #1 in eggs & #7 in turkey"
11/04/2019 Tweet - "I'm glad to hear Speaker Pelosi's positive forecast for USMCA. Now let's see a positive outcome b4 the end of the yr USMCA will benefit Iowa farmers + manufacturers + more This updated trade agreement is overdue& certainty is needed"
10/07/2019 Tweet - "US/Japan trade deal @realDonaldTrump signed 2day is gr8 news for Iowa farmers+ US agriculture I had ph call w Japanese Amb Sugiyama last wk to discuss details Next step is a full trade deal w Japan This helps strengthen US negotiating position w China"
09/25/2019 Tweet - "Democrats+media are focused on impeachment but 2day Pres Trump agreed to a trade deal w Japan that will help Iowa farmers This is what Iowans talk to me abt at my #99countymeetings not impeachment New trade deal is gr8 news for USA"
08/25/2019 Tweet - "Good 2 hear Pres Trump/Abe announcement on trade w Japan Gr8 news for ag+farmers Next step is comprehensive deal @realDonaldTrump is delivering for USA"
08/23/2019 Tweet - "Pres Trump also signed into law my Small Business Reorganization Act 2remove red tape for main street shops that r going thru bankruptcy @realDonaldTrump is again keeping promise to promote american business + strengthen economy"
08/01/2019 Tweet - "China has a responsibility to follow thru on its commitments on fentanyl+ ag purchases +trade talks Tariffs aren't the only solution Pres Trump should use to pressure China but China isn't making any friends in Congress w its behavior"
07/31/2019 Tweet - "USMCA is excellent for Iowans as a major ag/export state but some Democrats esp all those running 4 pres are in Iowa campaigning against it--Iowans shld ask them why they don't want 2help Iowa by supporting USMCA?"
07/23/2019 Tweet - "Thankful VP Pence visited Iowa 2day to talk abt the importance of passing USMCA Pres Trump fulfilled his promise to renegotiate our trade deal w Canada+Mexico & delivered Next wk I'm holding a Finance Cmte hrg on the benefits of USMCA Its good 4 farmers+ tech+ manufacturing etc"
07/18/2019 Tweet - "Judic comm approved my bipartisan bill 2crack down on money laundering Criminals of all stripes frm terrorists/cartels to garden variety crooks/cheats rely on illegal money transfers to hide illgotten $$ My bill shines light on secrecy + hits criminals pocketbooks"
07/11/2019 Tweet - "The French govt would be wise to not move fwd w their tax on digital services that hurts US companies Pres Trump has shown he doesn't back down when the US is treated unfairly I hope the French govt works w us & other countries thru OECD to find a fair solution among allies"
06/19/2019 Tweet - "Mexican Senate approving USMCA is a very positive step 2help move along legislation in the US / Now Congress must do its part 2bring the gr8 benefits of USMCA to farmers +business +families"
06/08/2019 Tweet - "Gr8 news 4 border+trade Pres Trump landed historic commitments from Mexico on border+no new tariffs He delivered. Mexico delivered. Now Congress must deliver Dems need 2 work w/ Rs to fund agencies close loopholes + secure border Iowans want RESULTS not more politics"
02/13/2019 Tweet - "As Senate Finance Chairman I was elected vice chair of the Joint Cmte on Taxation w House Ways & Means Chairman Neal serving as chairman of the Joint Cmte on Taxation …"