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Chuck Grassley's Public Statements on Issue: Elections

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Date Title
12/03/2020 Grassley, Ernst: Miller-Meeks Won Her Election
09/10/2020 Grassley, Johnson Praise Trump Admin Actions Against Foreign Disinformation & Election Interference
08/19/2020 Tweet - "IA's absentee ballot system is aligned with USPS delivery standards. I hv faith in postal service & IA election officials. Iowans can choose absentee or in person voting with confidence"
08/19/2020 Tweet - "Senate intel rpt on 2016 Russia interference confirms once again no collusion btwn Trump campaign &Kremlin but some Dems still cant come to grips w this reality"
08/14/2020 Grassley: False "Collusion' Peddlers Must Face Reckoning
08/05/2020 Election Security
08/04/2020 Letter to the Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, the Hon. Mark Warner, Ranking Member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and the Hon. Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee - Grassley, Johnson Call for Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Warner to Stop Playing Political Games with Election Security Intelligence
07/28/2020 Letter to the Hon. Gary Peters, Ranking Member of Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, and the Hon. Ron Wyden, Ranking Member of Senate Committee on Finance - Johnson, Grassley Denounce Democrat Disinformation Campaign in Response to Peters, Wyden, Democrat Leaders' Letters
07/23/2020 Declassified Records Shed Light on FBI Efforts to Co-opt Intel Briefings to Spy on 2016 Trump Campaign
04/10/2020 Tweet - "Declassified footnotes frm DOJ IG report on FBI/Page FISA abuse show investigators were warned early+often evidence was tainted w Russian disinformation WHY DIDNT THEY HEED WARNINGS??? Unnecessary violations of Pages civil liberties could hv been avoided!!"
04/07/2020 Tweet - "2day on my run I was stopped by a retired union member +lifelong Democrat from my neighborhood who said the 1st republican pres he voted for was @realDonaldTrump & he plans to vote for him again"
02/04/2020 Grassley, Ernst, Reynolds Statement on Iowa Caucuses
01/31/2020 Q&A: Iowa Caucuses 2020
01/28/2020 Iowa Caucuses
01/22/2020 Tweet - "In 2019 Big Pharma spent a record $29 MILLION lobbying Congress. Pres Trump is working to DRAIN THE SWAMP by taking on Big Pharma &supporting bipartisan Grassley-Wyden legislation 2lower prescription drug prices/cap out of pocket costs for seniors"
11/22/2019 Letter to Bill Barr, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, and Christoper Wray, Director of the FBI - Grassley, Johnson Want Details of FBI Interactions with 2016 DNC Contractor
09/27/2019 Letter to the Hon. William Barr, Attorney General of the Department of Justice - Grassley, Johnson Renew Inquiry into DOJ Actions on Reported Election Meddling
06/20/2019 Q&A: Keeping Check on Foreign Influence
06/11/2019 Young Joins Bipartisan Bill to Boost Disclosure of Foreign Lobbying
06/10/2019 Shaheen & Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Legislation to Boost Disclosure of Foreign Lobbying
06/10/2019 The Wall Street Journal - The Foreign Influence We're Ignoring
06/04/2019 19th Amendment
04/08/2019 United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement, Mueller Report,
08/30/2018 Letter to the Hon. Sheldon Whitehouse, Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism - Outstanding Questions For Investigation
08/10/2018 History: Grassley Recalls the 2016 Supreme Court Vacancy

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