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Chuck Grassley's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

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Date Title
09/25/2023 Baldwin, Grassley Introduce Bill to Protect and Invest in Farmland Used for Renewable Energy Developments
11/30/2022 Grassley, Ernst Push To Bring E15 Certainty To The Pump
06/10/2022 Grassley, Colleagues Urge SEC To Rescind Proposed Regulations That Would Substantially Burden Ag Producers
05/05/2022 Judiciary Committee Advances Grassley's Bipartisan NOPEC Act
03/01/2022 Grassley, Colleagues Push To Ban Russian Oil Imports
03/01/2022 Grassley, Colleagues Introduce Legislation To Restore American Energy Independence, End Reliance On Foreign Nations
02/28/2022 Hawley Leads Bill Restoring American Energy Independence, Ending Reliance on Foreign Nations
02/11/2022 Grassley Receives Lifetime Achievement Award From Growth Energy
02/01/2022 Letter to Hon. Michael Regan, Administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency - Duckworth & Durbin Join Klobuchar, Grassley & Bipartisan Group of Colleagues in Letter Urging Biden Administration to Prioritize Renewable Fuel Standard
08/10/2021 Grassley Votes To Invest In Iowa's Future
07/14/2021 Grassley, Bipartisan Group Reintroduce Legislation To Expand Market For Biofuels Year-Round
05/26/2021 Grassley, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan RFS Integrity Legislation
05/25/2021 Grassley, Cantwell Introduce Legislation To Support Biodiesel Industry
05/20/2021 Grassley Joins Bill To Undo Biden Administration's Nord Stream 2 Actions, Expand Sanctions On Russia
03/25/2021 As Oil Prices Skyrocket Amid Production Cuts, Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Fight Price Fixing By OPEC
03/12/2021 Klobuchar, Grassley Lead Colleagues in Calling on USDA to Assist Biofuel Producers
02/22/2021 After Grassley-Led Push, EPA Sides With Biofuels In Critical RFS Case
02/03/2021 Grassley, Bipartisan Colleagues Reintroduce Bill To Recognize Environmental Benefit Of Biofuels, Efficient Farming
08/07/2020 Iowa Senators Celebrate 15th Anniversary of Renewable Fuel Standard
05/22/2020 Klobuchar Holds Discussion on Supporting Ethanol Industry in Southern Minnesota During Coronavirus Pandemic
05/20/2020 Grassley, Klobuchar Introduce Bill to Support Biofuel Producers
04/04/2019 Grassley Praises House Action Advancing Bills to Reduce Prescription Drug Costs
02/07/2019 Grassley Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Fight Price Fixing by OPEC
07/16/2018 Klobuchar, Grassley Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Fight Price Fixing by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
04/13/2018 Grassley, Thune, Blunt, Fischer, Ernst Joint Statement on EPA Attacks on RFS

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