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Chuck Grassley's Public Statements on Issue: Agriculture and Food

Date Title
08/28/2020 Tweet - "Taiwan's president announced lower trade barriers for U.S. beef & pork This is something I've been frustrated over for a long period of time This is the first positive response in many years I welcome this news & thank Taiwan for this development to help American agriculture"
08/25/2020 Tweet - "Gov Reynolds did gr8 job speaking at RNC detailing derecho recovery going on in Iowa. Gov highlighted Trump admin's quick action to declare major disaster declaration & his continued support of our farmers Thx Gov Reynolds for ur hard work & leadership U make Iowans proud"
08/25/2020 Tweet - "I applaud Gov Reynolds using $100 MILLION Congress provided in bipartisan CARES Act to help those in the ag industry negatively affected by COVID-19 This fed assistance will help Iowa farmers continue 2 feed & fuel the world"
08/21/2020 Tweet - "Iowa's congressional delegation wrote Ag Scty Perdue/USDA in support of Gov Reynolds request to declare an agriculture disaster Unprecedented crop &farm building damage warrants fed assistance to get thru derecho recovery I support our farmers & all Iowans as we rebuild 2gether"
06/18/2020 Tweet - "Gov Reynolds using CARES Act $$$ to help w Beef Up Iowa which connects beef producers w food insecure Iowans Gr8 way to help by purchasing cattle from local producers who lost processing options then donates the IA beef 2 food banks FFA/4-H/ISU Meat Lab students also helping"
06/05/2020 Tweet - "Glad DOJs listening after I called for AG 2 investigate meat packers potential antitrust law violations DOJ demanding info from Tyson/JBS/Natl Beef/Cargill- 4 who dominate market Impt step 2 protect our independent producers/consumers its past time 2let sunshine in on big packers"
05/19/2020 Tweet - "2day I introd a biofuels assistance bill w Sen Klobuchar Since federal govt is helping big oil by putting surplus oil in strategic petroleum reserve there's a BIGGER need 2help biofuels w 130 plants shutdown There's a reason for EQUITY bc every gallon of gas has ethanol in it"
05/19/2020 Tweet - "Thx to @realDonaldTrump for helping farmers with $$ provided in the CARES Act This is badly needed for rural America bc the virus is tormenting the family farmer w lack of demand & resulting low prices"
05/12/2020 Tweet - "2day I introd bill updated frm 2002 2bring more price transparency to cattle sales+get fair value for Iowa beef Proud 2stand w IA Cattlemen 2 safeguard independent producers & protect USA beef supply Some help fr WH as @realDonaldTrump asked DOJ 2investigate collusion w/in packers"
04/28/2020 Tweet - "Pres @realDonaldTrump is right 2use authority 2 keep open meat processing plants Its critical infrastructure 4 country's food supply chain As saying goes society is 9 meals away from food riots Fed govt shld help w PPE&testing/plants need 2follow CDC&OSHA guidance 2protect wrkers"
04/25/2020 Tweet - "Iowa proudly leads in pork but w meat packing plant closures from covid-19 many hogs have nowhere to go & farmers are facing a crisis Encouraging announcement last night from USDA for help on depopulation + disposal methods if necessary but govt needs 2b ready for more action"
04/19/2020 Tweet - "Appreciate VP Pence ph call w me abt current situation w meat packing plants in IA + Iowa's need for serology tests/addtl personal protective equipment for health care providers&workers /USDA farmer payments going out ASAP/ standing by biofuels/Grassley-Wyden Rx drug bill etc"
04/16/2020 Tweet - "2day on bipartisan ph call w Pres Trump I raised concern abt meat processing plants shutting down & the ripple effects that has on food chain Cattle/pork producers in particular need 2b able to move their product I asked @realDonaldTrump to give this special attn"
04/08/2020 Tweet - "After asking USDA to investigate price fixing by beef packers they announced today they will Farmers need to see USDA report as soon as possible Beef producers need help! Thx Scty Perdue & Pres Trump for hearing their concerns"
01/25/2020 Tweet - "More gr8 news for farmers: Trump admin rolls back harmful WOTUS rule from Obama & REDUCES fed govt regs New waters of US definition DOESNT affect roadside ditches farm ponds waste treatment systems prior converted cropland etc"
12/23/2019 Tweet - "Tax extenders help businesses plan 4 future &eventually b self sustaining Biodiesel & Short line railroad tax extenders were part of yr end tax package I negotiated These r critical for agriculture/ag economy Will help encourage investment & bring much needed certainty 2industry"
11/14/2019 Tweet - "Glad to hear China will allow US poultry into their country after banning it for many yrs w/ no good reason Big victory for Pres Trump+USTR Lighthizer+USDA Scty Perdue Now more than $1B/yr of exports can be sold there Gr8 news for poultry farmers Iowa is #1 in eggs & #7 in turkey"
10/04/2019 Tweet - "gr8 news! W 2day's announcement @realdonaldtrump delivers on his continued promise to support ethanol+ biodiesel + farmers THANK YOU Pres Trump for your support of rural America & following the renewable fuel standard as Congress intended Promises made& promises kept"
09/06/2019 Tweet - "Rumors floating around town abt some ethanol announcement to counteract the disaster of EPA 31 small refinery waivers If rumors true this wld be yet another disaster for ethanol and corn growers and wld be bad politically for Republicans / Big oil strikes again"
08/23/2019 Tweet - "2day @realDonaldTrump signed into law my bill 2help family farmers who fall on hard times Family Farmer Relief Act helps keep family farms in family hands by recognizing increased "operating expenses over last 30yrs Thx Pres Trump 4continued support 4American ag families"