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Chuck Grassley's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

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Date Title
02/01/2022 Cassidy, Grassley, Kelly Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Criminalize Dangerous Drone Activity
01/10/2022 Klobuchar, Grassley Announce Markup of Bipartisan Bill to Combat Big Tech Self-Preferencing
11/04/2021 Durbin, Cassidy File NDAA Amendment To Ensure Greater Transparency For Third-Party Sellers Of Consumer Products Online
08/13/2021 Q&A: Infrastructure Update
08/14/2020 Grassley, Ernst Highlight Federal Highway Administration Proposal to Advance Broadband Technology in Rural America
08/11/2020 Grassley, Hassan Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Extend Deadlines for States to Spend Federal Dollars Provided in CARES Act
07/22/2020 Grassley, Wyden Statement on U.K. Digital Services Tax
07/10/2020 Grassley, Wyden Joint Statement on USTR Action on French Digital Services Tax
06/17/2020 Durbin, Grassley Statement On Appeals Court Ruling Striking Down HHS Policy To Require Disclosure Of Prescription Drug Prices In TV Ads
06/02/2020 Grassley, Wyden Statement on USTR Investigation of Digital Services Taxes
12/19/2019 Grassley Statement on Passage of Rural Broadband Deployment and Mapping Bill
12/19/2019 Grassley Statement on Passage of Anti-Robocall Legislation
07/19/2019 Q&A: Rural Broadband
05/23/2019 Grassley Statement on Passage of Anti-Robocall Legislation
05/08/2019 Durbin, Grassley Statement On HHS Rule To Require Disclosure Of Prescription Drug Prices In TV Ads
03/29/2017 Grassley: Internet Users Need Clarity on How Personal Information is Protected
12/16/2016 Grassley, Leahy Comment on U.S. Copyright Office Report Examining the Legal Framework of Software-Enabled Consumer Products
10/28/2016 Senator Chuck Grassley made the following statement regarding the letter from FBI Director James Comey regarding the investigation into the personal email server and emails of Hillary Clinton. "The letter from Director Comey was unsolicited and, quite honestly, surprising. But it's left a lot more questions than answers for both the FBI and Secretary Clinton. Congress and the public deserve more context to properly assess what evidence the FBI has discovered and what it plans to do with it. I've asked for a briefing from the FBI."
09/08/2016 Senate and House Chairs Call for Administration to Reconsider ICANN Internet Transition
09/02/2016 Grassley Statement on FBI's Partial Release of Records following Clinton Email Investigation
08/16/2016 FBI Gives Senate Interview Summaries from Clinton Private Email Server Investigation
03/18/2016 Grassley Introduces Bill to Require Transparency for Political Intelligence Firms, Clients
09/23/2015 Justice Department Keeps Congress in the Dark While Leaking Details of Investigation to the Media
08/11/2015 Grassley Statement on Reports that Clinton is Providing Email Server, Thumb Drives to DOJ
06/25/2015 Senate, House Co-Chairs Relaunch Congressional Trademark Caucus

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