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Chuck Grassley's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

Date Title
10/02/2020 Tweet - "Barbara & I regularly pray for @realDonaldTrump & our First Lady as 1 Timothy 2:1-2" tells us to pray for those in authority but 2day we hv additional prayer that they get well soon after testing positive for coronavirus"
08/16/2020 Tweet - "Gov Reynolds has applied for presidential major disaster declaration for this wk's severe storm This is important to free up federal $$ for Iowans in need I expect the @realdonaldtrump admin will move very quickly to approve The congressional delegation backs swift action"
08/06/2020 Tweet - "I don't blame @realDonaldTrump for talking exec orders 2help unemployed &get econ up &running I can imagine he's just fed up w how Dems aren't negotiating in good faith instead sticking w an unreasonable $3T bill Dems shld prioritize needs of American ppl NOT election yr politics"
04/07/2020 Tweet - "I encourage Pres Trump 2view IGs as helpers 2hold bureaucracy accountable+draining swamp. We all work to solve problems Esp in unprecedented pandemic, IG reports shld be viewed as a TO DO list & not criticism. Admin is quickly fixing problems that existed going back to Obama/Bush"
03/24/2020 Tweet - "Appreciated @realDonaldTrump 's comments 2nite about putting health & well beings of Americans 1st. Using data to decide how to fight health crisis + plan for American ppl to go back to work when time is right is GOOD LEADERSHIP"
03/06/2020 Tweet - "Why wld Congress cede constitutional oversight responsibility bc its an election yr? Unaccountable faceless bureaucrats shldnt get pass every 4yrs Holding agencies accountable is job of Congress not exec branch esp FBI Ive overseen GOP+Dem admins for 40 yrs Not going 2stop now"
12/19/2019 Tweet - "Why is Dem house now getting cold feet abt moving ahead w impeachment trial? They want 2hijack Senate process+muck up senate/SCOTUS schedule U need some consideration abt SCOTUS since Chief Justice presides in Senate. R they worried their articles r too weak to move fwd?"
12/11/2019 Tweet - "FISA report shows Steele dossier built on lies&rumor Graham/Grassley crim referral of Steele Jan 2018 looks like tip of iceberg compared 2details exposed by IG re politically motivated Steele dossier. FBI fed FISA court a bunch of hogwash knowing Steele dossier had NO credibility"
12/10/2019 Tweet - "1st Democrats said it was collusion then quid pro quo then they tried bribery now they've settled on abuse of power after yrs chasing impeachment Reality is Democrats hv wanted 2erase Pres Trump's victory since Nov 2016"
12/10/2019 Tweet - "Horowitz IG FISA report shows Carter Page was improperly surveilled & falsely accused of being a Russian agent highlighting the lengths FBI was willing 2go 2get an in on Trump campaign Top brass at FBI seemed 2b looking for any excuse to pursue Trump so basis was rumor NOT facts"
10/28/2019 Tweet - "Pelosi & House Dems' vote must bring inquiry out frm bhnd closed doors Public deserves access & President deserves opp to defend himself. R minority deserves subpoena rights & Pres counsel shld be at depositions/hearings w right to present evidence/ask Qs like Dems during Clinton"
10/22/2019 Tweet - "Inauguration day 2017 a Washington Post headline read "the campaign to impeach President Trump has begun" Democrats have wanted to undo the 2016 election since it happened Now theyre putting USMCA/lower drug prices at risk bc they are more interested in impeachment"
10/11/2019 Tweet - "Not surprised House Dems r trying to impeach Thats been their goal since inauguration day But w no formal process +no real investigating+ no inclusion of GOP/white house +no regard for history/precedent its hard to take them seriously"
10/11/2019 Tweet - "Where do House Dems get idea they can conduct impeachment inquiry &freeze republicans out of process? I understand why WH Counsel sent letter 2House bc of unprecedented +unfair approach Dems r using Unbelievable that Ds think Rs shld hv less involvement now than w Nixon&Clinton"
09/28/2019 Tweet - "Why are House Democrats cutting House Republicans out of the process of developing Articles of Impeachment and not following same procedures used in Nixon and Clinton impeachments???? Seems like a political motivation not a constitutional one!!!"
09/25/2019 Tweet - "Democrats+media are focused on impeachment but 2day Pres Trump agreed to a trade deal w Japan that will help Iowa farmers This is what Iowans talk to me abt at my #99countymeetings not impeachment New trade deal is gr8 news for USA"