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Chuck Grassley's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

Date Title
04/22/2021 Grassley Leads Effort To Curb Red Tape Created Without Public Input
05/12/2011 Grassley comments on President's announcement to seek two-year extension to the term of FBI Director
05/12/2011 Ranking Member Grassley statement on the nomination of Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., to be Solicitor General of the United States
04/07/2011 Hearing of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary - "Faster FOIA: Seeking Greater Transparency in the Executive Branch"
01/22/2009 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Finance - The Nomination of Timothy Geithner to be Treasury Secretary
01/18/2007 Hearing of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on Oversight of the U.S. Department of Justice
12/27/2006 Grassley on the Death of Former President Ford
12/07/2006 Executive Session
07/14/2006 Boeing's Government Settlement, Potential Deductibility
06/27/2006 Hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Nomination of Henry Paulson for Treasury Secretary
03/15/2006 Nomination of a New FDA Commissioner
11/17/2005 Iraq Pre-War Intelligence
07/21/2005 Executive Session
06/09/2005 Nomination of Alice S. Fisher
01/26/2005 Grassley Comments on the Confirmation of Condoleezza Rice Secretary of State
10/23/2003 Transportation, Treasury, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004
08/01/2003 Nomination of Daniel Bryant
07/30/2003 Executive Nominees to DOJ
03/18/2003 IRS Commissioner Nomination
01/30/2003 Statement by Senator Grassley on high risk agencies in the executive branch
01/28/2003 Opening Statement of Senator Grassley