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Chuck Grassley's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending

Date Title
12/21/2020 Tweet - "As Senate Finance Cmte Chair I was at the table over wknd securing important tax+health provisions 2benefit rural America/ help for unemployed +Iowa families since govt shutdown the economy/resources for rural health care &more 2help Iowans in long overdue bipartisan covid pckage"
08/25/2020 Tweet - "Gov Reynolds did gr8 job speaking at RNC detailing derecho recovery going on in Iowa. Gov highlighted Trump admin's quick action to declare major disaster declaration & his continued support of our farmers Thx Gov Reynolds for ur hard work & leadership U make Iowans proud"
08/25/2020 Tweet - "I applaud Gov Reynolds using $100 MILLION Congress provided in bipartisan CARES Act to help those in the ag industry negatively affected by COVID-19 This fed assistance will help Iowa farmers continue 2 feed & fuel the world"
08/21/2020 Tweet - "Thx @realDonaldTrump for quick approval of Gov Reynolds request for individual assistance for Linn County Many Iowans' homes hv been destroyed by derecho storm &fed assistance is needed to help them get back on their feet"
08/18/2020 Tweet - "Thx @realDonaldTrump for coming to Cedar Rapids Your coming to Iowa means a lot to Iowans during a time of real hardship Iowans are hurting & will continue to need our help as we rebuild from the derecho devastation"
08/17/2020 Tweet - ".@realDonaldTrump approved Iowas major disaster declaration request after abt 15 hrs of having the application This is incredibly quick approval& I thank Trump admin for immediate attention +making Iowa's needs a top priority Now much needed fed disaster assistance can flow to IA"
08/16/2020 Tweet - "Iowa's Congressional delegation has sent a letter of support to White House & FEMA asking that they promptly grant Iowa's request for a presidential major disaster declaration This is in addition to conversations I've had w top White House officials & we expect expedited review"
08/16/2020 Tweet - "Gov Reynolds has applied for presidential major disaster declaration for this wk's severe storm This is important to free up federal $$ for Iowans in need I expect the @realdonaldtrump admin will move very quickly to approve The congressional delegation backs swift action"
08/15/2020 Tweet - "FEMA approved Iowa's application for the Lost Wages Assistance program for unemployment benefits from @realDonaldTrump exec order Gov Reynolds moved very quickly Iowa is 2nd state 2b approved This will help workers who r out of a job thru no fault of their own bc of virus"
08/14/2020 Tweet - "Pres @realDonaldTrump just signed into law my bipart bill 2 help families of police &first responders lost in battle w pandemic get the help they've been promised The Safeguarding Americas First Responders Act removes hurdles to benefits 4 families of these heroes lost to covid"
08/13/2020 Tweet - "Thx @IAGovernor Reynolds for working quickly to approve disaster proclamations for counties while also traveling the state to see firsthand the damage from this devastating storm. Ernst & I stand ready 2help Iowa get quick approval on FEMA disaster declaration when requested"
08/12/2020 Tweet - "Instead of Democrats throwing $1 TRILLION more $$ for states/municipalities why dont democrat leaders get on board w Hassan/Grassley bipartisan State& Local Coronavirus Relief Fund Extension Act??? it gives more $$ flexibility needed for states &localities to respond to the virus"
07/31/2020 Tweet - "Sen McSally tried to get a short term extension of unemployment benefits while negotiations continue but was blocked by Sen Schumer These extra federal benefits expire 2day thx to Democrats who want to damage GOP in the election more than help Americans w/out a job"
06/25/2020 Tweet - "Thx @realDonaldTrump for executive order 2help foster youth by improving partnerships w communities + increasing resources for families + more fed oversight This will help over 400,000 kids in foster care in the US I've worked on this issue for 25yrs & this is a BIG help"
06/18/2020 Tweet - "Gov Reynolds using CARES Act $$$ to help w Beef Up Iowa which connects beef producers w food insecure Iowans Gr8 way to help by purchasing cattle from local producers who lost processing options then donates the IA beef 2 food banks FFA/4-H/ISU Meat Lab students also helping"
06/10/2020 Tweet - "I wrote Scty Azar w Sen Wyden Reps Pallone& Walden calling on HHS 2give Medicaid providers a fair amount of funds from Provider Relief Fund after repeated delays Distribution of CARES Act $$$ to Medicaid providers incl 125 community providers in Iowa announced yesterday Good news"
06/03/2020 Tweet - "Congress just passed changes to PPP giving small biz more flexibility on how to use $$$ for necessary expenses to get thru challenging economic time bc of the virus + Changes length of time to spend loan/have it forgiven Now 24 wks These r important changes for Iowa businesses"
05/19/2020 Tweet - "Thx to @realDonaldTrump for helping farmers with $$ provided in the CARES Act This is badly needed for rural America bc the virus is tormenting the family farmer w lack of demand & resulting low prices"
03/30/2020 Tweet - "CARES Act delivers $2+ TRILLION in needed aid 2fight pandemic+save economy We must make sure massive investment is spent wisely/we cant afford waste when people are hurting I expect aggressive hard hitting oversight of programs & $$ by special inspector general and Congress"
09/30/2019 Tweet - "Gr8 news: The state of Iowa has $289+ million budget surplus Proving Gov Reynolds & Republican led state legislature are responsible stewards of taxpayer $$"
08/26/2019 Tweet - "The national debt is now $22 trillion & the deficit will be $1 trillion per yr My Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act saves taxpayers more than $100 billion Fiscal conservatives shld support the bill It's the 1st entitlement reform in abt 20yrs + it's bipartisan"