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Mitch McConnell, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
11/02/2023 Biden Admin. Overregulation Creating Headaches For Small Businesses, Working Families
03/24/2017 Keystone XL Pipeline: Jobs, Economic Growth, Energy Security
01/24/2017 McConnell Statement on President Trump Ending the Delay on Keystone XL Pipeline Jobs
11/06/2015 McConnell Statement on President's Rejection of Keystone Pipeline
02/24/2015 McConnell Statement on President's Veto of Keystone Jobs and Infrastructure Bill
01/09/2015 McConnell Comments on Nebraska Supreme Court Keystone Decision
12/18/2014 Year-End Accomplishments and Looking Ahead to the New Congress
11/18/2014 McConnell Statement on Keystone Vote
11/12/2014 Democrats Drop Objection to Keystone Vote
06/18/2014 McConnell Comments on Keystone Political Show Vote
04/18/2014 McConnell Blasts Obama Administration For Continuing to Stall Keystone XL Pipeline
02/13/2014 Statement from Senator McConnell on Adair County Pipeline Explosion
11/27/2013 Statement from Kentucky Delegation on Paducah DOE Site
07/01/2013 Blog: President's War on Coal is a War on Jobs
01/22/2013 President Should Approve Keystone XL Pipeline
05/04/2012 President Obama is Out of Excuses For Blocking Keystone XL Jobs, Energy

Pain at the Pump
12/22/2011 A Path Forward on Keystone Jobs and the Payroll Tax Holiday
12/22/2011 Keystone-Payroll Agreement "a Sigh of Relief,' McConnell Says
05/27/2011 The Plan to Address High Gas Prices
05/18/2011 It's Time to Stop Pointing Fingers -- Americans Want Relief at the Pump
06/08/2008 Now Can We Increase American Production, American Jobs?
06/06/2008 McConnell Statement on Climate Tax Vote
05/07/2008 Press Conference with Senator Mitch McConnell