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Mitch McConnell, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Judicial Branch

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Date Title
06/23/2022 House Must Pass Urgent Funding to Protect Supreme Court Justices and Staff
06/03/2022 McConnell Applauds Nomination of Lyon County Judge-Executive Wade White to the TVA Board
05/03/2022 Tweet - "Last night's stunning breach was an attack on the independence of the Supreme Court. By every indication, this was yet another escalation in the radical left's ongoing campaign to bully and intimidate federal judges and substitute mob rule for the rule of law."
04/07/2022 McConnell Remarks Before Final Vote on Judge Jackson
04/07/2022 The Court and the Country Need Constitutionalist Judges
04/06/2022 Tweet - "Judge Jackson's record and testimony suggest exactly the kind of liberal activist that President Biden promised he'd nominate. In case after case, she twisted the law or ignored guidelines to arrive at the policy outcome she wanted. And that outcome was often going soft on crime."
04/01/2022 McConnell and Barr Comment on Federal Texas District Court's Decision on the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act of 2020
03/30/2022 Democrats Mount Yet Another Attack on the Institution of the Supreme Court
03/30/2022 Tweet - "I have total confidence in Justice Thomas's impartiality in every aspect of the work of the Court. Each of the nine justices should feel free to make every single judicial decision they make with total independence and complete freedom."
03/30/2022 Tweet - "Judicial independence is essential to our Republic and integral to the rule of law. The far left's latest attack, a clumsy and baseless attempt to nullify Justice Thomas's presence on the Court, is beyond the pale."
03/30/2022 Judge Jackson's Personal Policy Views Slanted Criminal Sentencing
03/24/2022 Judge Jackson's "Policy Disagreement" From the Bench
03/24/2022 "I Cannot and Will Not Support Judge Jackson"
03/24/2022 Tweet - "I went into the Senate's consideration of Judge Jackson's nomination with an open mind. But after studying the nominee's record and watching her performance this week, I cannot and will not support Judge Jackson for a lifetime appointment to our highest Court."
03/23/2022 Tweet - "Justices Ginsburg and Breyer had no problem defending the Court and slamming the door on partisan court-packing. Judge Jackson won't follow their lead. She carefully keeps that door open and avoids answering the Committee plainly. I'm afraid that speaks volumes."
03/23/2022 Tweet - "Judge Jackson tried to deflect on key questions by telling Senators that constitutional issues haven't come up often during her judicial service. Does she actually feel unprepared? If so, she shouldn't be confirmed. If not, then she owes the Senate much more clarity and candor."
03/23/2022 Judge Jackson Owes the Senate Far More Clarity and Candor
03/21/2022 McConnell Remarks on Beginning of Supreme Court Hearings
03/21/2022 Tweet - "The late Justice Ginsburg and Justice Breyer both publicly opposed court-packing during their tenures. This week, Judge Jackson will be asked if she shares their view on upholding the integrity of the Court."
03/17/2022 Tweet - "Justice Breyer, like the late Justice Ginsburg, is a staunch defender of the Court's legitimacy and an opponent of far left court-packing plans. This should not be a hard question for his potential replacement. The Senate and the country deserve a clear answer from Judge Jackson."
03/17/2022 ICYMI: McConnell on "The Hugh Hewitt Show'
03/17/2022 Judge Jackson's Boosters Say "Empathy" Will Tilt Her Jurisprudence
03/16/2022 ICYMI: McConnell on "PBS News Hour'
03/15/2022 Why Did Pro-Court-Packing Radicals Want Judge Jackson Specifically?
03/03/2022 Tweet - "I enjoyed meeting Judge Jackson. One crucial Supreme Court qualification is judicial philosophy. The nation needs Justices who uphold the rule of law by applying our laws and Constitution as written. I'll be studying the Judge's record and views during the vigorous process ahead."

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