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Mitch McConnell, Jr.'s Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

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03/02/2022 Tweet - "Tune in now to @FoxNews . I'm joining @DanaPerino and @BillHemmer in studio to discuss President Biden's failure to pivot in his State of Union, @IAGovernor 's excellent response, Ukraine, and the Supreme Court."
03/02/2022 Tweet - "Tune in now to the @GuyBensonShow . We'll be discussing energy independence, the Supreme Court, and President Biden's missed opportunity at the State of the Union last night."
03/01/2022 Tweet - "Tune in now to @FoxNews . I'm joining @marthamaccallum to discuss tonight's State of the Union and Ukraine."
03/01/2022 Tweet - ". @IAGovernor has done a great job leading with common sense through the pandemic. She's backed the blue, faced down Big Labor to open schools, and fought for parents. Outstanding speech. After a warmed-over D.C. laundry list, Americans got to hear straight talk & real solutions."
03/01/2022 Tweet - "I'm glad the Americans will hear from @IAGovernor this evening. She's a strong leader who delivers real solutions for the great people of Iowa. I look forward to hearing her reaction to the President's remarks and her thoughts on how Washington could better serve Middle America."
02/22/2022 Tweet - "While Washington Democrats fail working Americans, Republican governors are fighting and winning for families. I am thrilled the American people will hear directly from Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa in the Republican address to the nation."
01/20/2022 Tweet: President Biden took office one year ago. He's presided over the worst inflation in 40 years. Historic spikes in murders & illegal border crossings. COVID surges, school closures, & illegal mandates. A failed, fatal retreat from Afghanistan. And far-left attacks on institutions.
07/09/2021 Tweet - "I agree with @ChuckGrassley. This removal would be an unprecedented and dangerous politicization of the Social Security Administration."
04/29/2021 Tweet - "Last night, President Biden talked about unity and togetherness. But he delivered a multi-trillion-dollar shopping list that was not even intended to earn bipartisan buy-in. A lengthy liberal daydream that would force American families' lives into Washington Democrats' mold."
03/18/2021 Tweet - "The Administration claims their top priority is to beat this virus and end the pandemic. But their nominee to run @HHSGov is woefully unqualified. California AG Xavier Becerra is a partisan politician with no expertise in healthcare."
03/10/2021 Tweet - "I've voted for several of President Biden's nominees. But his choices to lead Interior and the EPA appear eager to restart the left's war on domestic energy. Kentuckians know that when radical policies are on the table, it means their jobs and pocketbooks are on the menu."
01/29/2021 Tweet - "The last four years showed U.S. prosperity, domestic energy security, and reducing emissions do not have to conflict. This Piecemeal Green New Deal through liberal executive orders gets it dead wrong. There's nothing "green" about a tsunami of pink slips for American workers."
01/21/2021 Tweet - "The failed Paris deal will hurt American families while China and Russia grow emissions. The Keystone cancellation will kill union jobs and hurt U.S. energy security. And a proposal to gut immigration enforcement and give blanket amnesty? Rough "day one" for American workers."
01/20/2021 Tweet - "Today, before the entire world, the greatest nation in history carried out another peaceful transfer of power. Congratulations to President Biden and Vice President Harris. I look forward to working together everywhere we can and differing respectfully when we must."
01/19/2021 Tweet - "Tomorrow a new POTUS and VPOTUS will be sworn in. It will be secure because many other brave Americans have sworn their own oaths to support and defend our Constitution. Thanks to the Capitol Police and all the federal & local personnel helping protect our democracy this week."
10/02/2020 Tweet - "Happy to hear the White House physician's report that @POTUS and @FLOTUS are feeling well following their positive tests for COVID-19. Let's continue to pray today and every day for our President and our First Lady and for all those impacted by COVID-19."
06/04/2020 Tweet - "In these challenging times, the President and the American people are very well-served by the expert advice and principled leadership of people like Secretary Esper and Attorney General Barr. (1/3)"
05/22/2020 Tweet - "House Democrats are playing with perpetual impeachment while the Senate fights the pandemic. Speaker Pelosi is in no position to be lecturing us about what the appropriate use of Senate time is. The American people deserve answers and we intend to get them."
05/21/2020 Tweet - "TUNE IN: I will be joining @marthamaccallum ~7:00 PM EST to discuss the House Democrats' obsession with impeachment and the Senate's continued focus on coronavirus relief, legal protections for frontline workers, and other key Senate priorities."
05/20/2020 Tweet - "You can't make this up: During a global crisis, House Democrats are arguing that the acquittal of President Trump did not actually end their impeachment. They would rather spend another year trying to cram politics into the legal system than help the Senate govern the country."
05/19/2020 Tweet - "The Senate passed FISA reforms last week. We'll soon confirm a new Director of National Intelligence. And led by @LindseyGrahamSC , we're moving to subpoena people like James Comey and Loretta Lynch to get to the bottom of the 2016 abuses. The American people deserve the truth."
05/06/2020 Tweet - "Today the Senate will confirm a Director for the National Counterintelligence and Security Center. Our domestic fight with the coronavirus makes it even more important, not less important, that we also maintain global vigilance and keep a close eye on those who wish us harm."
04/11/2020 Tweet - "Grateful for this strong, eloquent ruling defending Kentuckians' religious liberty from Judge Justin Walker, @POTUS 's outstanding nominee for the D.C. Circuit. Of course church parking lots cannot be singled out with unfair standards that differ from other establishments."
04/03/2020 Tweet - "I am proud that President Trump's search took him outside the Beltway and into the Bluegrass. Judge Walker is a brilliant and fair jurist who reveres the Constitution. He's a leading light in a new generation of federal judges."
04/03/2020 Tweet - "Judge Justin Walker, @POTUS 's choice to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, is an outstanding legal scholar. President Trump has chosen a rising Kentucky star to refresh a crucial federal court. My statement:"

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