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Barbara Mikulski's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

Date Title
05/10/2011 Mikulski Calls for End of Tax Subsidies for Big Oil Companies
12/01/2010 Mikulski, Cardin Praise 7-Year Ban on Drilling Off Atlantic Coast, Urge Permanent Fix
06/28/2010 Mikulski, Kratovil & Meehan Pledge to Continue Protection of Maryland's Beaches, Jobs & Tourism Economy
06/15/2010 Cardin, Mikulski, Cummings Discuss Federal Response to BP Oil Spill Following Recent Visits to the Gulf Coast
05/27/2010 Atlantic Coast Senators Join to Praise Cancellation of Oil & Gas Drilling Off Virginia, Continue Call for a Permanent Moratorium
03/31/2010 Cardin, Mikulski Voice Opposition to Expand Drilling Off the East Coast
01/15/2009 Maryland Delegation Denounces Conditional LNG Approval Five Days Before Obama Administration Takes Office
10/07/2008 Mikulski Statement on Supreme Court's Refusal to Hear Baltimore County's Challenge to LNG Decision
10/02/2008 Mikulski, Cardin, Warner and Webb Vote to Send Metro Funding Bill to the President for Signature
07/16/2008 Mikulski: Big Oil Companies Need to Use it or Pay Up
07/10/2008 Mikulski, Cardin and Snowe Introduce Bill to Provide Fair Treatment of Volunteers Hurt by Rising Gas Prices
07/08/2008 Mikulski Fights to Bring Down Rising Fuel Costs
06/26/2008 Mikulski Statement on Commerce Department's Decision to Overturn Maryland LNG Ruling
05/13/2008 Mikulski, Colleagues Take 1st Step Toward Gas Price Relief
04/15/2008 Mikulski, Cardin Fight To Strip Federal Govt Of Authority To Determine Liquified Natural Gas Sites
02/28/2008 Team Maryland Calls on FERC to Deny LNG Application, Cites Coast Guard Report As Further Reason
02/27/2008 Mikulski: Coast Guard Report Should Halt LNG Facility Application
01/31/2008 Mikulski, Cardin, Hoyer Announce $2.8 Million Appropriations for Southern Maryland Commuter Bus Facilities
11/02/2007 Delmarva Senators Applaud DHS Rule Change to Ease Burden on Eastern Shore Farmers
06/19/2007 Mikulski Continues Fight Against LNG Facility at Sparrow's Point
05/14/2007 Mikulski: Consumers Need Immediate Relief from Soaring Gas Prices
04/24/2007 Mikulski, Cardin Introduce Bill to Give States the Right to Stop LNG Plants
04/23/2007 Mikulski Testifies on Opposition to LNG Facility At Sparrows Point