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Edward Kennedy, Sr.'s Public Statements


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Date Title
08/11/2009 Kennedy on the Passing of His Sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver
07/30/2009 Kennedy Upon Receiving the Medal of Freedom
07/15/2009 Kennedy on the Affordable Health Choices Act
07/09/2009 Kennedy, Kerry, Frank Release Statement Following Meeting with ATK CEO Dan Murphy
06/11/2009 Kennedy Praising the Senate Passage of Tobacco Regulation
06/02/2009 Kennedy Praises CEA Health Reform Report, Calls for Action
06/01/2009 Joint Statement from Senators Edward M. Kennedy and Max Baucus
05/30/2009 Joint Statement From Senators Edward M. Kennedy and Max Baucus
05/26/2009 Kennedy Statement on the Historic Nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court
04/29/2009 Kennedy on House Passage of Hate Crimes Legislation
04/28/2009 Kennedy on Confirmation of Kathleen Sebelius as HHS Secretary
04/20/2009 Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on the NYC Service Initiative
04/03/2009 Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on Senate Passage of the Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Resolution
04/03/2009 Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on Job Losses
04/02/2009 Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on the House Passage of Bill to Give the FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products
03/31/2009 Kennedy in Support of "Spread the Word to End the ‘R' Word Day"
03/20/2009 Kennedy on the Selection of Dr. David Blumenthal to Lead Health It Effort
03/17/2009 Friends of Ireland Statement
03/14/2009 Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on FDA Nominations
03/10/2009 Kennedy in Response to President Obama's Remarks on Education
03/09/2009 Kennedy on President Obama's Executive Order to Allow for Increased Stem Cell Research
03/04/2009 Kennedy on Honorary Knighthood
03/02/2009 Kennedy on Nomination of Gov. Sebelius as HHS Secretary
02/26/2009 Kennedy on President Obama's Fiscal Year 2010 Budget
02/25/2009 Kennedy in Response to President Obama's Remarks

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