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John Kerry's Public Statements on Issue: Environment

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Date Title
09/14/2016 Remarks at Oceana Global Fishing Watch Reception
09/03/2016 U.S. and China Joining the Paris Agreement
07/22/2016 Meeting With U.S. NGO and Industry Leaders
06/07/2016 U.S.-China Climate-Smart/Low-Carbon Cities Summit
06/19/2015 Blog: The Pope Urges the World To #ActOnClimate
04/21/2015 Blog: A New Era of Cooperation in the Americas
03/31/2015 Blog: Climate Change: The Defining Challenge of Our Generation
10/09/2014 Governor Patrick Discusses Massachusetts Nation-Leading Climate Change Efforts with US Secretary of State Kerry and UK Secretary of State Hammond
08/05/2014 Remarks With Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Before Their Meeting
05/13/2014 Remarks With French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius Before their Meeting
07/13/2012 Cape Cod AmeriCorps Wins $425k to Preserve Vital Community Environmental, Disaster Response Projects
06/19/2012 Kerry: On Eve of RIO+20, an Honest Assessment of Climate Change Challenge
04/10/2012 Kerry Supports Legislation to Increase Protections against Dangerous Toxins
03/08/2012 Kerry, Brown, Keating, Capuano: Woods Hole, MIT Sea Grant Programs To Receive $3.1 Million for Advanced Research, Education Projects
10/13/2011 U.S. Senators Introduce Bill to Create a New National Historical Park in the Blackstone Valley
09/13/2011 Bipartisan Group of Senators Announce Formation of Oceans Caucus
07/12/2011 Kerry, Moran Legislation Would Protect Americans from Dangerous Chemicals
07/05/2011 Fire Grant for Southern Norfolk County ARC
05/02/2011 Letter to Eric Schwaab, NOAA Assistant Adminstrator of Fisheries
03/31/2011 Senators Stand Up for Clean Air Act
12/12/2010 Kerry Statement on the Cancun Agreements
06/08/2010 Shaheen Fights for Subpoena Power for BP Oil Spill Investigation
05/17/2010 National Park Service Rejects LNG Proposal
05/14/2010 Non-Partisan Analysis: Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act Protects Consumers
04/16/2010 To Improve Security And Enhance Environmental Sustainability, Chairman Kerry Introduces Legislation To Advance U.S. Embassy And Consulate Design

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