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John Kerry's Public Statements on Issue: Senior Citizens

Date Title
10/04/2012 Rep. Schwartz and Senator Kerry Introduce Plan to Address Pressing Challenges Facing Seniors Today
09/19/2012 Senators Introduce Older Americans Act Reauthorization
08/01/2012 Kerry Introduces Legislation to Improve Care for Older Americans
05/10/2012 Patrick-Murray Administration Announces $ 105 Million to Build or Preserve 2,196 Housing Units Across Massachusetts
09/14/2011 Kerry, Bingaman Bill Would Dramatically Increase Retirement Savings
07/26/2011 Sen. Kerry, Rep. Stark Introduce Bill to Provide Medicare Beneficiaries Better Value for Their Medigap Premium Dollars
05/12/2011 Kerry Works to Remove Barriers to Medicare Home Treatment
04/14/2011 Courtney, Kerry, Snowe, Latham Introduce Legislation to Ensure Skilled Care for Seniors
11/17/2010 Kerry, Dodd, Bingaman, Casey Introduce Legislation to Protect Seniors from Medicare Premium Increases
11/05/2010 Kerry Announces Legislation to Protect Seniors from Medicare Premium Increases
09/15/2009 Kerry Pushes To End Discrimination In Medicare
07/09/2008 Senate Passes Kerry e-Prescribing Reform in Medicare Bill
06/25/2008 Senators Fight to Protect Solvency of Medicare
05/22/2008 Senate Passes Kerry-Obama Legislation to Close KBR Tax Loophole, Provide Tax Relief for Troops
05/22/2008 Kerry, Emanuel on Bush Opposition to Reform of Offshore Tax Loophole for Hedge Funds
05/07/2008 Stabenow, Kerry, Alexander Legislation Will Improve Access to Life-Saving Intravenous Treatment
04/28/2008 Kerry, Tierney Expose "Underground Economy"
03/19/2008 How Do I Get My Stimulus Package Rebate?
03/16/2008 Kerry Announces New Legislation to Protect Patients, Improve Access to Treatment
03/04/2008 Kerry: Massachusetts Ranks First in Nation for Electronic Prescriptions
12/05/2007 Kerry, Ensign Introduce E-Prescribing Bill to Modernize Medicine and Save Lives
08/03/2007 Kerry files bipartisan legislation to improve patient access to long term care
07/20/2007 Senators Kennedy And Kerry Work To Protect Nurses Against Mandatory Overtime
04/24/2007 Statement by Senator John Kerry on 2007 Trustee Report on Social Security and Medicare
07/26/2005 Finance Committee Passes Kerry Plan to Protect Pensions, Hold CEOs Accountable