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John Kerry's Public Statements on Issue: Transportation

Date Title
10/06/2016 Achieving Carbon Neutral Growth in the Airline Industry
08/19/2016 Joint Statement by Secretary Kerry and Secretary Foxx on U.S.-Mexico Air Transport Agreement Entry into Force
12/18/2015 Joint Statement by Secretary Foxx and Secretary Kerry on the U.S.-Mexico Air Transport Agreement
12/08/2014 70th Anniversary of the Signing of the Convention on International Civil Aviation
07/17/2014 Crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 in Eastern Ukraine
04/24/2012 Hearing of the Communications, Technology, and the Internet Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee - Online Video Content
09/14/2011 Kerry, Frank and McGovern Announce Transportation Funds for Southeastern Regional Transit
06/29/2011 Hearing of the Communications, Technology and the Internet Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee - "Privacy and Data Security: Protecting Consumers in the Modern World"
06/21/2011 Hearing of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee - Commerce Secretary Nomination Hearing
09/15/2010 Hearing of the Senate Commerce Committee - "The Federal Role in National Rail Policy"
03/23/2010 Hearing Of The Subcommittee On Communications, Technology, And The Internet Of The Senate Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation - Improving Energy Efficiency Through Technology And Communications Innovation
11/19/2009 Hearing of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee - Executive Session
10/27/2009 Hearing of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee - Oversight of the Broadband Stimulus Programs in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
06/17/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee - The Consumer Experience
06/16/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee - Nominations
05/12/2009 Panel II of a Hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - Energy Security: Historical Perspectives and Modern Challenges
01/21/2009 Senate Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee Hearing - The Nomination Of Former Rep. Ray LaHood To Be Secretary Of Transportation
12/18/2007 Hearing of the Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries and Coast Guard Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee - Oil Spills