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John Kerry's Public Statements on Issue: Foreign Aid

Date Title
06/28/2016 Remarks at the Aspen Ideas Festival and Conversation with Walter Isaacson
10/24/2014 Remarks With Sir Elton John Before Their Meeting
07/22/2014 Secretary of State John Kerry and Egyptian Foreign Minister Shoukry Joint Statements After Meeting With Egyptian President al-Sisi
05/22/2013 Remarks With Omani Minister Responsible for Defense Affairs Sayyid Badr al-Busaidi Before Their Meeting
04/19/2012 Bi-Partisan Kerry-Boozman Legislation Would Help Bring Kony, War Criminals to Justice
06/08/2011 Johnson, Shelby Reach Bipartisan Agreement on Framework to use Frozen Libyan Assets to Provide Humanitarian Aid to Libyan People
06/08/2011 Foreign Relations Committee Releases Comprehensive Report on U.S. Civilian Aid in Afghanistan
09/22/2010 Foreign Relations Committee Passes Legislation To Promote And Strengthen The Private Sector In Pakistan
07/29/2010 Kerry, Lugar Call for Pakistani-American Enterprise Fund
05/19/2010 Hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - After the Earthquake: Empowering Haiti to Rebuild Better
05/05/2010 Kerry, Lugar Applaud New Policy Bureau At U.S. Agency For International Development
05/05/2010 Kerry, Corker Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Support And Rebuild Haiti
04/26/2010 Senate Foreign Relations Committee To Mark Up And Vote On Legislation That Will Strengthen U.S. Diplomacy
03/05/2010 Senate Passes Kerry, Lugar Resolution Expressing Solidarity With Chile Following The Massive Earthquake
03/04/2010 At Kerry, Bayh Urging, Western Union and MoneyGram Agree to Modify Practices on Money Transfers to Haiti
01/22/2010 Kerry, Lugar Haiti Earthquake Resolution Passes Senate
01/14/2010 Kerry on Telecom Industry Response Efforts in Haiti Wednesday was biggest day in the history of mobile phone generated charity
11/17/2009 Senate Foreign Relations Committee Approves Foreign Assistance Revitalization and Accountability Act of 2009
07/28/2009 Kerry, Lugar, Menendez, Corker Introduce Legislation To Reform Foreign Aid
07/27/2009 Kerry, Lugar, Menendez, Corker Introduce Legislation To Reform Foreign Aid
09/08/2008 Kerry Calls on Humanitarian Aid for Hurricane-Ravaged Haiti
05/22/2008 Senate Passes Kerry-Obama Legislation to Close KBR Tax Loophole, Provide Tax Relief for Troops
05/30/2007 Kerry Says Zoellick Must Reach Out to World Community