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John Kerry's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure

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Date Title
02/11/2016 Port State Measures Agreement Ratification
05/19/2015 The World Wants What America Makes
12/11/2014 Remarks on Climate Change at COP-20
10/09/2014 Remarks With U.K. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond
09/22/2014 Remarks at NYC Climate Week Opening Event
06/12/2014 Remarks at the Dedication of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Memorial Wall
01/27/2014 Remarks at the U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Dialogue
02/06/2013 Remarks at Swearing-in Ceremony
05/20/2011 SBA Disaster Assistance Following the West Springfield Apartment Fire
03/15/2011 Introduction to the BUILD Act
03/12/2011 Now is the Time to Shore up Support
05/21/2010 Kerry Applauds White House Plan to Reduce Oil Dependence
05/07/2009 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Finance - Auctioning Under Cap and Trade: Design, Participation and Distribution of Revenues
05/05/2009 Hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - The Global Implications of a Warming Arctic
04/21/2009 Hearing Of The Senate Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee - Nominations
03/24/2009 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations - Alleviating Global Hunger: Challenges and Opportunities for U.S. Leadership
03/17/2009 Kerry Joins YouthBuild for Green Homebuilding Day
03/13/2009 Massachusetts Will Benefit from $1.3 Billion Investment Which Includes Northeast Corridor
03/11/2009 Remarks by Vice President Joe Biden
12/13/2007 Hearing of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Oversight
04/18/2007 Kerry Praises House Passage of Disaster Bill
03/06/2007 Kerry Supports Improved Fuel Economy Standards
02/12/2007 Kerry Says Passenger Data Glitch Threatens Airline Safety
08/03/2006 Kerry Calls for Capka to Rescue Himself from Big Dig Investigation
07/19/2006 Senate Committee Passes Kerry Amendment on Big Dig Investigation

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